
Error Code


Error Message

Failed to create rollback log file <xxx>: <errMsg>. RefId: S01063

Probable Causes

This error occurs when the server attempts to create a rollback log file during a transaction but fails.


Troubleshoot based on the error message. Common issues include:
Error Message Probable Causes Solutions
Permission denied Lack of write permissions for the directory where the log file is located. Check the permissions of the server and grant it the write permissions for the directory.
Too many open files The program has too many files open.
  • Check the number of open files using lsof -p [process ID]|wc -l.
  • Check the maximum number of open files using ulimit -n.
  • Increase the maximum number of open files using ulimit -n 65535.

For more solutions, refer to Too many open files.

No space left on device There is no space left on the disk. Check if there is any space left on the disk. If not, free up some space.
Read-only file system The file system is read-only.

Check if the file system has write permissions.

For more solutions, refer to How to fix "sudo: unable to open ... Read-only file system"?