
Error Code


Error Message

Failed to drop partition <xxx> because the replicas are currently unavailable. RefId:S01013

Probable Causes

When using the dropPartition function with forceDelete = false, if the number of available replicas for the involved chunks on the controller is less than the configured dfsReplicationFactor, this error is thrown.


  • Execute getClusterChunksStatus to check if the number of replicas for the partition matches the expected value.

  • Execute getAllChunks to check if there are missing replicas.

  • Troubleshoot if any nodes are offline or if any nodes did not reported with the logs, or executing getClusterChunksStatus and getAllChunks.

  • Set forceDelete=true to ignore the number of available replicas and forcibly delete the partition. Note this operation will result in residual data remaining on the offline replicas not deleted.