
Error Code


Error Message

To undefine the shared stream table 'xxx', first cancel all subscriptions to it. RefId: S03000

Probable Causes

A stream table can be subscribed using the subscribeTable function in the following ways:

  • by the node where the table is located.

  • by another node.

  • by an API client.

These subscriptions will prevent the stream table from being undefined or destroyed. Only when all subscriptions to the table are canceled, can it be undefined with the undef function.


Call the getStreamingStat function to monitor the subscriptions to the stream table:

  • Check the subscriptions to the table with getStreamingStat().pubTables.

  • Check the connections between the publisher and all subscribers with getStreamingStat().pubConns.

Then, use the unsubscribeTable function to cancel the subscription. Once all subscriptions are canceled, the stream table can be undefined.