
Error Code


Error Message

'=' or ':' is expected after the column name. RefId: S06000

Probable Causes

This error is raised due to incorrect format of SQL update statement.

syntax of update:
    set col1=X1, [col2=X2,...]
    [from table_joiner(table_names)]
    [where condition(s)]
    [context by col_name(s)]
where the set clause must follow the format:
column_name equal_sign(=) or colon(:) expression

If the column name is not followed by an equal sign (=) or a colon (:), this error will be reported. For example:

t = table(1 2 3 as id, 10 20 30 as val)
update t set val where id = 1  // '=' or ':' is expected after the column name.


Modify the statement following the syntax.

The above scripts can be modified to either of the following:
update t set val = val + 1 where id = 1 
update t set val : val + 1 where id = 1