Backup and Restore


In DolphinDB, data is backed up by partition. You can use function backup to back up partitions, tables, or a database.

DolphinDB offers 2 types of backup:
  1. Back up by copying files

    When you specify the parameter dbPath for the backup function, the system copies the files to the target directory backupDir/dbName/tbName/chunkID. The metadata files _metaData and domain are generated under the directory backupDir/dbName/tbName.

    The following example backs up table dfs://compoDB/pt by copying files:
  2. Back up with SQL statements

    When you specify the parameter sqlObj for the backup function, the system serializes the data to a binary file and saves it as /.bin to the directory backupDir/dbName/tbName. The metadata files _metaData and domain are generated under the same directory.

    The following example backs up table dfs://compoDB/pt with SQL statements:
    backup("/home/DolphinDB/backup",<select * from loadTable("dfs://compoDB","pt")>,true);
DolphinDB provides the following encapsulated backup functions for one-click backup:
  • backupDB: backs up a database by copying files

  • backupTable: backs up a table by copying files


The following functions are provided in DolphinDB to restore data:
objects to be restoredall databases and tablessome or all partitions of a tablea databasea table
support backup with SQL statements××
support backup by copying files
restore across storage engines×


Create a DFS database dfs://compoDB

ID=rand(100, n)
date=rand(dates, n)
x=rand(10.0, n)
t=table(ID, date, x);

dbDate = database(, VALUE, 2017.08.07..2017.08.11)
dbID=database(, RANGE, 0 50 100);
db = database("dfs://compoDB", COMPO, [dbDate, dbID]);
pt = db.createPartitionedTable(t, `pt, `date`ID)

Back up all data of table pt:

backup("/home/DolphinDB/backup",<select * from loadTable("dfs://compoDB","pt")>,true);

Specify where-conditions in SQL metacode to only back up the partitions with date>2017.08.10:

backup("/home/DolphinDB/backup",<select * from loadTable("dfs://compoDB","pt") where date>2017.08.10>,true);

Check the backup information of table pt:


Get information about the backup of the partition 20120810/0_50:

x = getBackupMeta("/home/DolphinDB/backup","dfs://compoDB/20170810/0_50","pt");

Load the backup of the partition 20120810/0_50 into memory.


Restore table pt from the backup to table pt of database dfs://db1:

migrate("/home/DolphinDB/backup", "dfs://compoDB", "pt", "dfs://db1", "pt")

The system will create a new database automatically while using function migrate.

Create table temp in dfs://compoDB with the same schema as table pt:

temp=db.createPartitionedTable(t, `pt, `date`ID);

Restore the backup of all partitions in table pt with date=2017.08.10 to table temp. Table temp has the same schema as table pt.
