Error Code
Error Message
The new partition ranges specified in newRanges cannot overlap with the
existing partition ranges. RefId: S01002
Probable Causes
When using the function addRangePartitions
to add new partitions to
a partitioned database with RANGE domain, the partition range specified in
newRanges overlap with the current partitions in the database.
For example:
db=database(directory="dfs://rangedb", partitionType=RANGE, partitionScheme=0 50 100)
addRangePartitions(dbhandle=db, newRanges=50 100 150 200)
The partition range 50-100 overlaps with the existing partitions.
Remove the overlapping ranges from newRanges and try again. You can check the
current partitioning scheme using the schema
// Returns partitionSchema->[0,50,100]
addRangePartitions(dbhandle=db, newRanges=100 150 200)
// Returns 2, meaning 2 partitions have been added