
Error Code


Error Message

[asyncReplication] Skipped task <taskId>. Task data does not exist on site <IP:Port>. RefId: S01040

Probable Causes

The slave cluster for asynchronous replication attempts to access task data from the master cluster but finds that the task does not exist.


Execute the following command to check failed task status:

select * from rpc(getControllerAlias(),getSlaveReplicationStatus) where state = "FAILED"

If a task is marked "FAILED" with "Missing TaskData" shown in details, it does not exist in the master cluster. You can check whether <masterTid>.task file exists in the persistence directory (which is configured with clusterReplicationWorkDir in file cluster.cfg) of the master cluster.

  • If the file exists, restart the data node of the master cluster, and retry the tasks with startClusterReplication.

  • If the file does not exist, check if clusterReplicationSyncPersistence is set to true. When set to false, data of replication tasks may be lost. You may refer to the asynchronous replication logs, modify configurations, and skip this task.