



Failed to read message from the socket with IO error type xxx. RefId: 00020

Failed to read response message from the socket with IO error type xxx. RefId: 00020

Failed to read object flag from the socket with IO error type xxx. RefId: 00020

Failed to parse the incoming object with IO error type xxx. RefId: 00020

Couldn't send login message to the given host/port with IO error type xxx. RefId: 00020


当 server 接收到 xdb 的请求时,首先解析消息头部以获取命令类型(如 HTTP,API,STREAM 等),sessionID,属性信息(包括 rootId,优先级,并行度,客户端ID,消息seqNo 等)和消息长度等。

在此过程中,若出现非预期错误,则会触发上述报错,其中不同 XXX 的含义请参考附录。


  1. 解析过程中出现网络错误,如网络中断,对端断开连接等;

  2. 消息协议错误,消息头部信息必须遵循固定格式,协议不符会导致该报错;

  3. 解析出的消息类型当前 server 版本不支持。


  1. 检查网络连接是否正常;

  2. 核对 API 和 server 版本的兼容性,排查协议不兼容问题;

  3. 确认 API 是否使用了 server 不支持的新协议。


IO error type 详情:
IO error type 详情
1 Socket is disconnected/closed or file is closed.
2 In non-blocking socket mode, there is no data ready for retrieval yet.
3 Out of memory, no disk space, or no buffer for sending data in non-blocking socket mode.
4 String size exceeds 64K or code size exceeds 1 MB during serialization over network.
5 In non-blocking socket mode, a program is in pending connection mode.
6 Invalid message format.
7 Reach the end of a file or a buffer.
8 File is readable but not writable.
9 File is writable but not readable.
10 A file doesn't exist or the socket destination is not reachable.
11 The database file is corrupted.
12 Not the leader node of the RAFT protocol.
13 Unknown IO error.