
The in operator is used to specify one or more values in a where clause. The in operator is a shorthand for multiple or conditions.


select col(s)
from table
where col [not] in (value1, value2, ...)


select col(s)
from table
where col [not] in (subquery)


col(s) is column name(s) to be selected.

table is the table name to be queried.

col is the column to be filtered.

value1, value2, .../subquery is the value(s) to be filtered.


t = table(`APPL`AMZN`IBM`IBM`APPL`AMZN as sym, 1.8 2.3 3.7 3.1 4.2 2.8 as price);
select * from t where sym in (`APPL, `AMZN)
    // select * from t where sym=`APPL or sym=`AMZN
sym price
APPL 1.8
AMZN 2.3
APPL 4.2
AMZN 2.8
t1=table(`APPL`AMZN`IBM`IBM`APPL`AMZN as sym, 200 500 300 350 240 580 as vol);
select * from t where sym in (select sym from t1 where sym=`IBM)
sym price
IBM 3.7
IBM 3.1