
The between operator selects values within a given range where begin and end values are included. It is used with keyword and, which is equivalent to the function between.


select col(s)
from table
where col [not] between value1 and value2


t = table(`APPL`AMZN`IBM`IBM`AAPL`AMZN as sym, 1.8 2.3 3.7 3.1 4.2 2.8 as price);
select * from t where price between 2 and 4
// equivalent to `select * from t where price between 2:4`
sym price
AMZN 2.3
IBM 3.7
IBM 3.1
AMZN 2.8

    $ select * from t where sym between `A and `H
sym price
APPL 1.8
AMZN 2.3
APPL 4.2
AMZN 2.8