
The any and all operators are used with where or having.

where/having col optr any(sub_query)
where/having col optr all(sub_query)

where optr is a comparison operator, and sub_query is a SQL query or a vector.

The any and all keywords allow you to perform a comparison between an operand (i.e., a single column value) and a range of other values:

  • any: Returns true if any of the subqueries values meet the condition, otherwise false.

  • all: Returns true if all of the subqueries values meet the condition, otherwise false.


  • "=any" is equivalent to "in", and "= all" is equivalent to "!= any";

  • The SQL operator any/all is similar to DolphinDB's built-in function any/all. See the difference from the following examples:

SQL any keyword:

x > any([n1,n2,n3]) 

any function:

any([x>n1, x>n2, x>n3])


price= 49.6 29.46 29.52 30.02 174.97 175.23 50.76 50.32 51.29
qty = 2200 1900 2100 3200 6800 5400 1300 2500 8800
timestamp = [09:34:07,09:36:42,09:36:51,09:36:59,09:32:47,09:35:26,09:34:16,09:34:26,09:38:12]
t1 = table(timestamp, sym, qty, price);
t2 = table(`C`MS`IBM as sym, 1 0 1 as flag)

select * from t1 where sym = any(select sym from t2 where flag=1)
timestamp sym qty price
09:34:07 C 2,200 49.6
09:32:47 IBM 6,800 174.97
09:35:26 IBM 5,400 175.23
09:34:16 C 1,300 50.76
09:34:26 C 2,500 50.32
09:38:12 C 8,800 51.29
select * from t1 where sym != all(select sym from t2 where flag = 1)
timestamp sym qty price
09:36:42 MS 1,900 29.46
09:36:51 MS 2,100 29.52
09:36:59 MS 3,200 30.02
t3 = select wavg(price, qty) as wavg from t1 group by sym
select * from t1 where price >= all(select wavg from t3)
timestamp sym qty price
09:35:26 IBM 5,400 175.23
select * from t1 where price >= any(select wavg from t3)
timestamp sym qty price
09:34:07 C 2,200 49.6
09:36:59 MS 3,200 30.02
09:32:47 IBM 6,800 174.97
09:35:26 IBM 5,400 175.23
09:34:16 C 1,300 50.76
09:34:26 C 2,500 50.32
09:38:12 C 8,800 51.29