
Error Code


Error Message

All elements of the input tuple must have the same length. RefId:S05007

Probable Causes

When calling the upsert! function, if newData is a tuple and the elements of the tuple have different lengths, this error is raised.

x = 1 2 3
y = 5 6 7
t = keyedTable(`x, x, y)
// The first element of newData has two values, but the second has three
t.upsert!((1 2, 50 60 70))


If newData is a tuple, all elements of the tuple must have the same length. For example, the above script can be modified as follows:

x = 1 2 3
y = 5 6 7
t = keyedTable(`x, x, y)
t.upsert!((1 2, 50 60))