
Error Code


Error Message

DECIMAL math overflow RefId:S05003

Probable Causes

The DECIMAL type is stored using signed integers internally in DolphinDB, specifically:

  • DECIMAL32 uses int32_t
  • DECIMAL64 uses int64_t
  • DECIMAL128 uses int128_t

For an N-bit signed integer, the representable range is [-1 * 2 ^ (N-1), 2 ^ (N-1) - 1]. This error is reported when the signed integer representing the DECIMAL value exceeds the range. For example:

  • Calculations (e.g., functions, SQL) involving DECIMAL values.

  • Conversion of other data types to DECIMAL.

  • Conversion between DECIMAL types or DECIMALs with different scales.


  • Use a DECIMAL type with a larger representable range, such as DECIMAL128.
  • Lower the scale parameter of the DECIMAL type. For example, if only 5 decimal places are needed, set scale to 5.
  • Use FLOAT/DOUBLE type instead of DECIMAL.