Alias: getAggregatorStat
Return a dictionary of tables with various metrics about all stream engines.
Table TimeSeriesEngine returns the following columns about time-series engines:
Column Name |
Description |
name |
name of the stream engine |
user |
name of the user who created the stream engine |
status |
status of the stream engine. “OK” means available; “FATAL” means unavailable |
lastErrMsg |
the latest error message |
windowTime |
the length of the data window |
step |
the duration between 2 adjacent calculations |
useSystemTime |
whether the stream engine is triggered as soon as data are injected into the system |
garbageSize |
the threshold of the number of records in memory that triggers memory cleaning |
numGroups |
the number of groups that the stream engine has handled |
numRows |
the number of records that has entered the stream engine |
numMetrics |
the number of metrics calculated by the stream engine |
metrics |
the metacode of the metrics calculated by the stream engine |
memoryUsed |
the amount of memory used |
snapshotDir |
the directory to save engine snapshot |
snapshotInterval |
the interval to save snapshot |
snapshotMsgId |
the msgId of engine snapshot |
snapshotTimestamp |
the timestamp of snapshot |
Table CrossSectionalEngine returns the following columns about cross-sectional engines:
Column Name |
Description |
name |
name of the stream engine |
user |
name of the user who created the stream engine |
status |
status of the stream engine. “OK” means available; “FATAL” means unavailable |
lastErrMsg |
the latest error message |
numRows |
the number of records that has entered the stream engine |
numMetrics |
the number of metrics calculated by the stream engine |
metrics |
the metacode of the metrics calculated by the stream engine |
triggeringPattern |
how calculations are triggered |
triggeringInterval |
the duration in milliseconds between 2 adjacent calculations |
memoryUsed |
the amount of memory used |
Table AnomalyDetectionEngine returns the following columns about the anomaly detection engines:
Column Name |
Description |
name |
name of the stream engine |
user |
name of the user who created the stream engine |
status |
status of the stream engine. “OK” means available; “FATAL” means unavailable |
lastErrMsg |
the latest error message |
numGroups |
the number of groups that the stream engine has handled |
numRows |
the number of records that has entered the stream engine |
numMetrics |
the number of metrics calculated by the stream engine |
metrics |
the metacode of the metrics calculated by the stream engine |
snapshotDir |
the directory to save engine snapshot |
snapshotInterval |
the interval to save snapshot |
snapshotMsgId |
the msgId of engine snapshot |
snapshotTimestamp |
the timestamp of snapshot |
garbageSize |
the threshold of the number of records in memory that triggers memory cleaning |
memoryUsed |
the amount of memory used |
Table ReactiveStateEngine returns the following columns about the reactive state engines:
Column Name |
Description |
name |
name of the stream engine |
user |
name of the user who created the stream engine |
status |
status of the stream engine. “OK” means available; “FATAL” means unavailable |
lastErrMsg |
the latest error message |
numGroups |
the number of groups that the stream engine has handled |
numRows |
the number of records that has entered the stream engine |
numMetrics |
the number of metrics calculated by the stream engine |
memoryUsed |
the amount of memory used |
snapshotDir |
the directory to save engine snapshot |
snapshotInterval |
the interval to save snapshot |
snapshotMsgId |
the msgId of engine snapshot |
snapshotTimestamp |
the timestamp of snapshot |
Table SessionWindowEngine returns the following columns about the session window engine:
Column Name |
Description |
name |
name of the stream engine |
user |
name of the user who created the stream engine |
status |
status of the stream engine. “OK” means available; “FATAL” means unavailable |
lastErrMsg |
the latest error message |
sessionGap |
gap between 2 session windows |
useSystemTime |
whether the stream engine is triggered as soon as data are ingested into the system |
numGroups |
the number of groups that the stream engine has handled |
numRows |
the number of records that has entered the stream engine |
numMetrics |
the number of metrics calculated by the stream engine |
Metrics |
the metacode of the metrics calculated by the stream engine |
memoryUsed |
the amount of memory used |
snapshotDir |
the directory to save snapshot |
snapshotInterval |
the interval to save snapshot |
snapshotMsgId |
the message ID (msgId) of engine snapshot |
snapshotTimestamp |
the timestamp of snapshot |
Table DailyTimeSeriesEngine returns the following columns about the daily time series engine:
Column Name |
Description |
name |
name of the stream engine |
user |
name of the user who created the stream engine |
status |
status of the stream engine. “OK” means available; “FATAL” means unavailable |
lastErrMsg |
the latest error message |
windowTime |
the length of the window |
step |
the duration between 2 adjacent calculations |
useSystemTime |
whether the stream engine is triggered as soon as data are injected into the system |
garbageSize |
the threshold of the number of records in memory that triggers memory cleaning |
numGroups |
the number of groups that the stream engine has handled |
numRows |
the number of records that has entered the stream engine |
numMetrics |
the number of metrics calculated by the stream engine |
metrics |
the metacode of the metrics calculated by the stream engine |
memoryUsed |
the amount of memory used |
snapshotDir |
the directory to save snapshot |
snapshotInterval |
the interval to save snapshot |
snapshotMsgId |
the message ID (msgId) of engine snapshot |
snapshotTimestamp |
the timestamp of snapshot |
Table AsofJoinEngine returns the following columns about the as of join engine:
Column Name |
Description |
name |
name of the stream engine |
user |
name of the user who created the stream engine |
status |
status of the stream engine. “OK” means available; “FATAL” means unavailable |
lastErrMsg |
the latest error message |
useSystemTime |
the value of parameter useSystemTime in function createAsofJoinEngine |
delayedTime |
the value of parameter delayedTime in function createAsofJoinEngine |
garbageSize |
the threshold of the number of records in memory that triggers memory cleaning |
leftTableNumRows |
the number of records in the left table of stream engine |
rightTableNumRows |
the number of records in the right table of stream engine |
numMetrics |
the number of metrics calculated by the stream engine |
metrics |
the metacode of the metrics calculated by the stream engine |
memoryUsed |
the amount of memory used |
Table EqualJoinEngine returns the following columns about the equi join engine:
Column Name |
Description |
name |
name of the stream engine |
user |
name of the user who created the stream engine |
status |
status of the stream engine. “OK” means available; “FATAL” means unavailable |
lastErrMsg |
the latest error message |
garbageSize |
whether the stream engine is triggered as soon as data are ingested into the system |
leftTableNumRows |
the number of records that has entered the left table of the stream engine |
rightTableNumRows |
the number of records that has entered the right table of the stream engine |
numMetrics |
the number of metrics calculated by the stream engine |
metrics |
the metacode of the metrics calculated by the stream engine |
memoryUsed |
the amount of memory used |
Table StreamDispatchEngine returns the following columns about stream dispatch engines:
Column Name |
Description |
name |
name of the stream engine |
user |
name of the user who created the stream engine |
status |
status of the stream engine. “OK” means available; “FATAL” means unavailable |
lastErrMsg |
the latest error message |
numRows |
the number of records that has entered the stream engine |
garbageSize |
the threshold of the number of records in memory that triggers memory cleaning |
memoryUsed |
the amount of memory used |
$ share streamTable(10:0,`time`sym`price`qty,[TIMESTAMP,SYMBOL,DOUBLE,INT]) as trades
$ outputTable1 = table(10000:0, `time`sym`sumQty, [TIMESTAMP, SYMBOL, INT])
$ outputTable2 = table(1:0, `time`avgPrice`sumqty`Total, [TIMESTAMP,DOUBLE,INT,DOUBLE])
$ tradesTsAggregator = createTimeSeriesEngine(name="TimeSeriesDemo", windowSize=3, step=3, metrics=<[sum(qty)]>, dummyTable=trades, outputTable=outputTable1, timeColumn=`time, keyColumn=`sym, garbageSize=50)
$ tradesCsAggregator=createCrossSectionalEngine(name="CrossSectionalDemo", metrics=<[avg(price), sum(qty), sum(price*qty)]>, dummyTable=trades, outputTable=outputTable2, keyColumn=`sym, triggeringPattern=`perRow)
$ subscribeTable(tableName="trades", actionName="tradesTsAggregator", offset=0, handler=append!{tradesTsAggregator}, msgAsTable=true)
$ subscribeTable(tableName="trades", actionName="tradesCsAggregator", offset=0, handler=append!{tradesCsAggregator}, msgAsTable=true)
$ def writeData(n){
$ timev = 2000.10.08T01:01:01.001 + timestamp(1..n)
$ symv =take(`A`B, n)
$ pricev=take(102.1 33.4 73.6 223,n)
$ qtyv = take(60 74 82 59, n)
$ insert into trades values(timev, symv, pricev,qtyv)
$ }
$ writeData(4);
$ getStreamEngineStat().TimeSeriesEngine;
$ getStreamEngineStat().CrossSectionalEngine;