getMarketCalendar(marketName, [startDate], [endDate])
marketName is a STRING scalar, indicating the identifier of the trading calendar, e.g., the Market Identifier Code of an exchange, or a user-defined calendar name. It must exist in the marketHolidayDir, otherwise an error will be reported.
startDate is a scalar of DATE type. If it is not specified, the default value is January 1st of the earliest year in the file named marketName.
endDate is a scalar of DATE type. If it is not specified, the default value is December 31st of the latest year in the file named marketName.
DolphinDB provides trading calendars of more than 50 exchanges (with corresponding CSV files stored in marketHolidayDir). This function is used to get the trading calendar in the time interval determined by startDate and endDate.
$ addMarketHoliday("CFFEX",2022.01.03 2022.01.05)
$ getMarketCalendar("CFFEX",2022.01.01, 2022.01.10)
Related functions: addMarketHoliday, updateMarketHoliday