getBackupList(backupDir, dbPath, tableName)
backupDir is a string indicating the directory where the backup is saved.
dbPath is a string indicating the path of a distributed database.
tableName is a string indicating a distributed table name.
Return a table with information about the backups of a DFS table. Each row of the table corresponds to a backed-up partition. The table contains the following columns:
chunkID: the chunk ID
chunkPath: the DFS path to database chunks
cid: the commit ID
rows: the number of records in a chunk
updateTime: the last update time
$ if(existsDatabase("dfs://valuedb")){
$ dropDatabase("dfs://valuedb")
$ }
$ n=3000000
$ month=take(2000.01M..2000.04M, n);
$ x=1..n
$ t=table(month,x);
$ db=database("dfs://valuedb", VALUE, 2000.01M..2000.04M)
$ pt = db.createPartitionedTable(t, `pt, `month);
$ pt.append!(t);
$ backup("/home/DolphinDB/backup","dfs://valuedb",tableName="pt");
$ getBackupList("/home/DolphinDB/backup","dfs://valuedb","pt");
chunkID |
chunkPath |
cid |
rows |
updateTime |
0061427c-4b24-e3b6-425c-c0e1553d3c35 |
dfs://valuedb/200001M/b39 |
13,348 |
750,000 |
2022.09.21T15:45:50.931 |
dabbd90d-6001-f8a9-4d3e-8000d96eba68 |
dfs://valuedb/200002M/b39 |
13,348 |
750,000 |
2022.09.21T15:45:50.931 |
f5c259b4-4be3-f385-46d4-1a1a2d224e9d |
dfs://valuedb/200003M/b39 |
13,348 |
750,000 |
2022.09.21T15:45:50.931 |
6ed58eb9-a2ae-6197-4f81-3186ca1e8b20 |
dfs://valuedb/200004M/b39 |
13,348 |
750,000 |
2022.09.21T15:45:50.931 |