
Error Code


Error Message

Unexpected function arguments in analytic function. RefId: S02044

Probable Causes

When a query uses both an analytic function and a group by clause, the system checks the validity of the analytic function before performing it. This error occurs when the analytic function contains an unexpected number of arguments.
val = 102.1 33.4 73.6
date = 2020.01.01 2020.01.02 2020.01.01
t = table(id, val, date);

select lead() over (partition by date) from t group by date, val => Unexpected function arguments in analytic function.


Ensure the analytic function meets the following conditions:
  1. Supported by DolphinDB. For supported analytic functions, refer to Analytic Functions.
  2. Contain a valid number of arguments.
    select lead(val) over (partition by date) from t group by date, val
    /* output
    date       val                 lead               
    ---------- ------------------- -------------------
    2020.01.01 73.599999999999994  102.099999999999994
    2020.01.01 102.099999999999994                    
    2020.01.02 33.399999999999998  
  3. When used with a group by clause, the non-constant argument of the analytic function must be one of the columns specified in the group by clause or an expression involving these columns, such as val+1. Otherwise, an aggregate function must be applied to that column.