Monitoring with Prometheus

DolphinDB provides the following 3 ways of performance monitoring:

  • With built-in functions:
    • getPerf: return performance monitoring measures for the local node. It can be run on each node in a cluster.
    • getClusterPerf: return performance monitoring measures for all the nodes in the cluster. It can only be executed on the controller.
    • getJobStat: monitor the number of jobs and tasks that are running or in the job queue.
  • On the web-based user interface;
  • With third-party services, such as Prometheus and Grafana.

This tutorial illustrates how to install and configure Prometheus and its Alertmanager component to monitor the average load of DolphinDB and automatically send alert emails when the specified alerting conditions are met.

Prometheus Metrics

You can monitor DolphinDB database with Prometheus using the following metrics.

DolphinDB MetricDescriptionUnits
cpuUsageCPU usage-
memoryUsedmemory used by the nodeBytes
memoryAllocmemory allocated to the nodeBytes
diskCapacitydisk capacityBytes
diskFreeSpaceavailable disk spaceBytes
lastMinuteWriteVolumedata written to disk in the last minuteBytes
lastMinuteReadVolumedata read from disk in the last minuteBytes
lastMinuteNetworkRecvdata received in the last minuteBytes
lastMinuteNetworkSenddata sent in the last minuteBytes
diskReadRatethe rate at which data are read from diskBytes/Sec
diskWriteRatethe rate at which data are written to diskBytes/Sec
networkSendRatethe rate at which data are sentBytes/Sec
networkRecvRatethe rate at which data are receivedBytes/Sec
cumMsgLatencycumulative latency of messagesNanoseconds
lastMsgLatencylatency of the last received messageNanoseconds
maxLast10QueryTimethe maximum execution time of the previous 10 finished queriesNanoseconds
medLast10QueryTimethe median execution time of the previous 10 finished queriesNanoseconds
medLast100QueryTimethe median execution time of the previous 100 finished queriesNanoseconds
maxLast100QueryTimethe maximum execution time of the previous 100 finished queriesNanoseconds
maxRunningQueryTimethe maximum elapsed time of the queries that are currently runningNanoseconds
avgLoadaverage CPU load-
jobLoadCPU load of a job-
runningJobsnumber of running jobs-
queuedJobsnumber of jobs in the queue-
connectionNumnumber of connections-

You can view the metrics in the following 2 ways:

  • With Prometheus Server
  • Enter "http://ip:port/metrics" in your browser where "ip:port" is the IP address and port number of the selected node. For example, DolphinDB is deployed on port 8848, you can view the metrics at .

Download Prometheus

This example uses Ubuntu 16.04 LTS desktop, Prometheus 2.26.0 and Alertmanager 0.21.0.

Download Prometheus and Alertmanager at Download Prometheus and deploy them on the server. You can also refer to the official doc.

There are 3 ways of DolphinDB deployment and you can refer to DolphinDB tutorials for the detailed instructions:

  • Deploy directly
  • Deploy with Docker-compose
  • Deploy with k8s

Install and Configure

Install and Configure Prometheus

  • Unzip package

    The unzipped files are as follows:

    demo@zhiyu:~/prometheus-2.26.0.linux-amd64$ ls
    console_libraries  consoles  data  LICENSE  NOTICE  prometheus  prometheus.yml  promtool
  • Configure prometheus.yml

    Modify the configuration file prometheus.yml:

      scrape_interval:     15s 
      evaluation_interval: 15s
      - static_configs:
        - targets:
      - "./avgLoadMonitor.yml"
      - job_name: 'DolphinDB'
        - targets: ['','']

    The targets in the alerting section specifies the port of Alertmanager.

    The rule_files block specifies the alerting rules. The following section introduces the creation of file avgLoadMonitor.yml.

    The last block scrape_configs controls what resources Prometheus monitors and the targets specifies the ip:port of DolphinDB nodes. This example monitors 2 nodes with IP address and port numbers 8080 and 25667. You can also add a node in the format of "IP:PORT".

  • Create avgLoadMonitor.yml

    The content of file avgLoadMonitor.yml is as follows:

    - name: avgLoadMonitor
      - alert: avgLoadMonitor
        expr: avgLoad > 0.1
        for: 15s
          severity: 1
          team: node
          summary: "{{ $labels.instance }} avgLoad larger than 0.1!"

    In this example, we use metrics avgLoad and set the alerting rule as avgLoad>0.1.

Install and Configure Alertmanager

  • Unzip package

    The unzipped files are as follows:

    demo@zhiyu:~/alertmanager-0.21.0.linux-amd64$ ls
    alertmanager  alertmanager.yml  amtool  LICENSE  NOTICE

    Users can specify the alert receivers (such as email, PagerDuty, or OpsGenie) in the configuration file alertmanager.yml. Alerting rules in Prometheus servers send alerts to an Alertmanager specified in the file prometheus.yml. The Alertmanager then manages those alerts and sent out emails to the receivers.

  • Configure alertmanager.yml

    You can refer to Configuration for the Alertmanager configuration and see the example file using email.

Start Prometheus and Alertmanager

  • Start Prometheus with the following command:

    demo@zhiyu:~/prometheus-2.26.0.linux-amd64$ nohup ./prometheus --config.file=prometheus.yml &

    By default, you can browse to a status page about Prometheus at http://localhost:9090.

  • Start Alertmanager with the following command:

    demo@zhiyu:~/alertmanager-0.21.0.linux-amd64$ nohup ./alertmanager --config.file=alertmanager.yml &

    Alertmanager will now be reachable at http://localhost:9093. If the alerting rule is triggered in Prometheus, you can view the notifications in the above address. Then the Alertmanager will send alerts to the receivers. In this example, when the average load exceeds 0.1, alerting emails will be sent.


With a built-in web interface of Prometheus, users can view alerts, configuration and status conveniently.

For example:

  • View the target nodes at

  • View the alerting rules at

  • Go to and enter a metric such as lastMinuteNetworkRecv to view the graphical status:


In production environment, users often use Prometheus as the data source for Grafana to view metrics or create dashboards. DolphinDB has implemented dolphindb-datasource plugin and the HTTP data interface to Grafana. See DolphinDB Grafana DataSource Plugin for more information.