How to use

Installation and Deployment of DolphinDB Server

For details about how to install and deploy DolphinDB Server, please refer to the following tutorials:

  • DolphinDB Standalone Deployment

  • Single-Server Cluster Deployment

  • Multi-Machine Cluster Deployment

Currently, Python Parser has not been officially released. For access to the DolphinDB server, please contact technical support.

Python Parser Session

In addition to DolphinDB sessions, DolphinDB Server has introduced Python Parser sessions to support Python Parser and interpret its language. Different types of sessions apply different parsers to interpret user scripts. To use Python Parser, it is necessary to create a Python Parser session.

This chapter mainly introduces two ways to create a Python Parser session:

  • Through GUI (version or higher required)

  • Through VS Code (version 2.0.600 or higher required)

Both GUI and VS Code provide configuration options, enabling a seamless switch between DolphinDB sessions and Python Parser sessions. For the download of client tools, please go to Product - DolphinDB.

Connection through GUI

For instructions on installing and using GUI, please refer to DolphinDB GUI Documentation.

After installation and startup, configure GUI as follows:

  • Choose File > Preferences on the homepage to open the parameter configuration box, as shown in the following figure.

  • Tick Always show language dropdown and click OK.

  • Select Python Parser from the dropdown menu to switch to create a Python Parser session, as shown in the following figure.

After completing the above configurations, you can open a Python Parser session in GUI and execute Python scripts in it.

Connection through VS Code

For instructions on downloading and installing DolphinDB VS Code Extension, please refer to Visual Studio Code DolphinDB Extension.

After installation, restart VS Code. Choose File > Preferences > Settings or press Ctrl + , to open VS Code settings. Search for "dolphindb", click Edit in settings.json, and add "python": true under dolphindb.connections to enable Python Parser sessions.

After completing the above configurations, you can view or switch connections through the DOLPHINDB tab in the EXPLORER panel and execute Python scripts with the selected connection.