Data Types

Data Types Supported by Python Parser

Similar to Python, Python Parser supports various data types, including integers, floating-point numbers, strings, booleans, null values, variables, and constants. The difference lies in that Python Parser's data types are compatible with DolphinDB's. For instance, None in Python Parser corresponds to VOID in DolphinDB; the integer precision in Python Parser is consistent with that in DolphinDB, rather than unlimited as in Python.

The following table compares the data types in DolphinDB, Python Parser, and Python (Empty cells in the "Python" column indicate data types not supported by Python):

Data Type


Python Parser


BOOL 1b, 0b, true, false 1b, 0b, True, False, bool(1) True, False
CHAR 'a', 97c 97c, char('a')
SHORT 122h 122h
INT 21 21 21
LONG 22l 22l
DATE 2013.06.13 2013.06.13 2013-06-13
MONTH 2012.06M 2012.06M 2012-06
TIME 13:30:10.008 13:30:10.008 13:30:10.008
MINUTE 13:30m 13:30m 13:30
SECOND 13:30:10 13:30:10 13:30:10
DATETIME 2012.06.13 13:30:10 or 2012.06.13T13:30:10 2012.06.13 13:30:10 or 2012.06.13T13:30:10 2012-06-13 13:30:10
TIMESTAMP 2012.06.13 13:30:10.008 or 2012.06.13T13:30:10.008 2012.06.13 13:30:10.008 or 2012.06.13T13:30:10.008 2012-06-13 13:30:10.008000
NANOTIME 13:30:10.008007006 13:30:10.008007006 13:30:10.008007006
NANOTIMESTAMP 2012.06.13 13:30:10.008007006 or 2012.06.13T13:30:10.008007006 2012.06.13 13:30:10.008007006 or 2012.06.13T13:30:10.008007006 2012.06.13 13:30:10.008007006
FLOAT 2.1f (single precision) 2.1f (single precision) 2.1 (double precision)
DOUBLE 2.1, 2.1F (double precision) 2.1, 2.1F (double precision)
SYMBOL symbol([`A,`B,`C]) symbol([`A,`B,`C].toddb())
STRING "Hello" or 'Hello' or `Hello "Hello" or 'Hello' or `Hello or """Hello""" or '''Hello''' "Hello" or 'Hello' or """Hello""" or '''Hello'''
UUID uuid("9d457e79-1bed-d6c2-3612-b0d31c1881f6") uuid("9d457e79-1bed-d6c2-3612-b0d31c1881f6") 9d457e79-1bed-d6c2-3612-b0d31c1881f6
FUNCTIONDEF def f1(a,b) {return a+b;} def f1(a,b): return a+b
HANDLE file handle, socket handle, and db handle file handle, socket handle, and db handle
CODE <1+2> <1+2>
DATASOURCE data source data source
RESOURCE model (kmeans) model (kmeans)
ANY (1,2,3) (1,2,3) (1,2,3)
COMPRESSED compress(seq(1,10), "delta") compress(seq(1,10), "delta")
ANY DICTIONARY {"a":1,"b":2} {"a":1,"b":2} {"a":1,"b":2}
DATEHOUR datehour(2012.06.13 13:30:10) or datehour(2012.06.13T13:30:10) Generated by the datehour function in DolphinDB: datehour(2012.06.13 13:30:10) or datehour(2012.06.13T13:30:10) 2012-06-13 13:30:10
IPADDR ipaddr("") ipaddr("") ipaddress.IPv4Address("")
INT128 int128("e1671797c52e15f763380b45e841ec32") int128("e1671797c52e15f763380b45e841ec32")
BLOB blob(str) blob(str)
COMPLEX complex(2, 5) complex(2, 5) complex(2, 5)
POINT point(117.60972, 24.118418) point(117.60972, 24.118418)
DURATION 1s, 3M, 5y, 200ms 1s, 3M, 5y, 200ms
DECIMAL32(S) 3.1415926$DECIMAL32(3), decimal32(3.1415926, 3) decimal32(3.1415926, 3)


DECIMAL in Python does not specify fixed-bit representations like DECIMAL32/64/128. Its maximum number of bits is determined by the Python version and the underlying hardware.

DECIMAL64(S) 3.1415926$DECIMAL64(3), 3.141P, decimal64(3.1415926, 3) decimal64(3.1415926, 3)
DECIMAL128(S) 3.1415926$DECIMAL128(3), decimal128(3.1415926, 3) decimal128(3.1415926, 3)

Data Type Query

The type function can be used to query the data type of an object, as shown below:


Output: dolphindb.SCALAR.VOID

Reserved Word

Constant Reserved Word

Python Parser supports specific reserved words in Python, such as "True", "False", "None", etc., and is compatible with constant reserved words in DolphinDB, as shown in the following table:



True ddb.true
False ddb.false
None ddb.VOID

To call DolphinDB's built-in functions, the dolphindb module can be used to import reserved words exclusive to DolphinDB, as shown in the following script:

import dolphindb as ddb

Use the is operator to determine whether two variables reference the same object.

None is ddb.VOID

Output: true

None is ddb.NULL

Output: false

Programming Reserved Word

Python Parser supports most programming reserved words in Python and DolphinDB, except global, nonlocal, del, yield, match, async, await, and with.

def zero(s):
    a = int(s)
    assert a > 0,"a is out of range"   
    return a


Output: Testing case adhocTesting_"a is out of range" failed

n = 0
while n < 10:
    n = n + 1
    if n % 2 == 0:      







The raise statement in Python Parser only supports raising an exception with a message, as shown below:

def test_exception():
            raise "asdf"
    except Exception as ex:
            assert ex[0]=="USER"
    print("test_exception test pass")
