

makeUnifiedCall(func, args)


func is a function.

args is a tuple. Each element is a parameter of func. Since version, args can be metacode with a tuple expression.


Generate metacode for function call. Use function eval to execute the metacode. The difference between makeUnifiedCall and the template function unifiedCall is that makeUnifiedCall doesn't execute the metacode.


mc = makeUnifiedCall(matrix, (1 2 3, 4 5 6));
// output: < matrix([1,2,3], [4,5,6]) >

col1 col2
1 4
2 5
3 6

Since version, args can be tuple metacode to be dynamically passed to a function. The following example illustrates the difference between passing args as a tuple and tuple metacode.

a = makeUnifiedCall(add, (x,y)) // < add(3, 5) >
b = makeUnifiedCall(add, <(x,y)>) // < add(x, y) >
  • If args is a tuple, makeUnifiedCall passes the values of the variables in the tuple to func and generates < add(3, 5) >.

  • If args is metacode with a tuple expression, makeUnifiedCall passes the variables in the tuple expression to func and generates < add(x, y) >.

When the value of x or y changes, the execution result of a remains unchanged while that of b changes accordingly as it dynamically passes the values of x and y.

x = 6
a.eval() // 3+5=8
b.eval() //  6+5=11

makeUnifiedCall can also be used with sqlTuple and sql to dynamically generate SQL metacode. In the following example, the parameter args of makeUnifiedCall is tuple metacode generated using sqlTuple, and func is a user-defined function. The result of makeUnifiedCall is passed as the parameter select of function sql to generate SQL metacode c.

// Create a user-defined function
f = def (x,y)->(x-y)/(x+y)

// Create a table for query
t = table(1.0 2.0 3.0 as qty1, 1.0 3.0 7.0 as qty2)

// Generate metacode for query
c = sql(select=makeUnifiedCall(f, sqlTuple(`qty1`qty2)), from=t)

// Execute the corresponding metacode



Related Information: sqlTuple