dir (optional) specifies the directory to store the support bundle. The default path is <HomeDir>(which can be obtained with getHomeDir) for a standalone mode, and the sibling directory of <HomeDir> for a cluster mode.
Generate a file of support bundle containing all configuration information and return the file path. The function can only be called on a data node or compute node.
The file contains the following information:
Block | Description | Info Source |
VERSION | the server version | version() |
CONFIGS | the configuration information. |
DB AND TABLE SCHEMA | the schema of each database and table | schema |
LICENSE AND MACHINE INFO | license, CPU cores and memory usage | license file: dolphindb.lic |
OLAP CACHE ENGINE STATUS | The status of OLAP cache engine on the current node and the memory usage of each node | pnodeRun(getOLAPCacheEngineSize)
pnodeRun(getOLAPCacheEngineStat) |
TSDB META | the metadata of all chunks in the TSDB database | pnodeRun(getTSDBMetaData) |
REDO LOG GC STATUS | the redo log status | pnodeRun(getRedoLogGCStat) |
TRANSACTION STATUS | the transaction status | pnodeRun(getTransactionStatus) |
TABLETS META | the metadata of the 100 chunks in the cluster with the most rows | select top 100 * from pnodeRun(getTabl
etsMeta{"%","%",false,-1}) order by rowNum
desc |
ANOMALOUS CHUNK STATUS | the status of anomalous chunks. Anomaly means chunks in recovery, with different version or replica counts. | getClusterChunksStatus() |
// output: /home/dolphindb/server/getSupportBundle.1655869793424
// output: /home/dolphindb/sup/getSupportBundle.1655869853178