jobId is a string indicating the batch job ID.
Retrieve the status of a batch job. It returns a table with the following columns:
Name | Meaning |
node | the alias of the local node |
userID | the user ID |
jobId | the job ID |
rootJobId | the root job ID |
jobDesc | the job description |
priority | priority of the job which is marked as integers ranging from 0 to 9 |
parallelism | the parallelism, i.e., the maximum number of jobs that can run in parallel |
clientIp | the IP address of the client where the job is submitted |
clientPort | the port number of the client where the job is submitted |
receivedTime | the time (of TIMESTAMP type) when a job is received by the node |
startTime | the start time of jobs (of TIMESTAMP type) |
endTime | the end time of jobs (of TIMESTAMP type) |
errorMessage | error messages |
For details about batch jobs please refer to Batch Job Management.
def job1(n){
s = 0
for (x in 1 : n) {
s += sum(sin rand(1.0, 100000000)-0.5)
print("iteration " + x + " " + s)
return s
job1_ID=submitJob("job1_ID","", job1, 100);
node | userID | jobId | rootJobId | jobDesc | priority | parallelism | clientIP | clientPort | receivedTime | startTime | endTime | errorMsg |
controller2 | guest | job1_ID20210428... | b9263bfd-50b8-70b3-9845-e595f9b0c506 | job1 | 4 | 1 | | 61537 | 2023.12.12T02:50:32.598 |
endTime is empty. This means the job is still running. After the job is
completed, rerun getJobStatus
node | userID | jobId | rootJobId | jobDesc | priority | parallelism | clientIP | clientPort | receivedTime | startTime | endTime | errorMsg |
controller2 | guest | job1_ID20210428... | b9263bfd-50b8-70b3-9845-e595f9b0c506 | job1 | 4 | 1 | | 61537 | 2023.12.12T02:50:32.598 | 2023.12.12T02:50:32.599 | 2023.12.12T02:52:32.477 |