Multi-Container Deployment With Docker Compose

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. This tutorial introduces how to use Docker Compose to deploy DolphinDB clusters on multiple containers.

Prerequisites and Environment Setup

  • Install Docker

Install Docker on Linux/Mac OS/Windows.

  • Install Docker Compose

We recommend you to download the compiled binary of Docker Compose from the official release. See Install Docker Compose CLI for installation instructions.

  • Host Information
    • single server:
HostIPDocker ServiceMount Point
  • multiple servers:
HostIPDocker ServiceMount Point
host1xx.xx.xx.81dolphindb controller1&dolphindb agent1/host1
host2xx.xx.xx.82dolphindb controller2&dolphindb agent2/host2
host3xx.xx.xx.83dolphindb controller3&dolphindb agent3/host3

Cluster Architecture

A DolphinDB cluster consists of 4 types of nodes: controller, agent,data node, and compute node.


  • Any data node or compute node can be used as a client for data access, while a controller is only used for cluster management and coordination.
  • The IP address of a node must be an intranet IP. If an external network address is used, the network communication performance among nodes may be unstable. Inter-container communication is usually enabled by connecting the containers to a bridge network and assigning an IP address to each container.

Quick Starts (Single-Server Deployment)

The following example shows how to deploy a DolphinDB cluster using image dolphindb/dolphindb:v2.00.5 with Docker Compose. The DolphinDB image is the community edition of v2.00.5. As the community license limits the number of data nodes in a cluster, the following example deploys a cluster with 2 containers (one is a controller and the other contains an agent and a data node).

  • Log in the server and execute the following commands:
git clone
cd dolphindb_k8s/docker-compose/ddb_cluster_quick && docker-compose up -d

Expected output:

[+] Running 2/2
 ⠿ ddb_controller Pulled                                                                                                 4.5s
 ⠿ ddb_agent1 Pulled                                                                                                     4.4s
[+] Running 3/3
 ⠿ Network dev_ddb           Created                                                                                     0.1s
 ⠿ Container ddb_controller  Started                                                                                     0.5s
 ⠿ Container ddb_agent1      Started                                                                                     0.8s
  • Enter "IP:port" (where port is 8900) in your browser and the page shows:


Production Environment (Single-Server High-Availability Deployment)


This chapter will deploy a high-availability cluster with multiple controllers and data nodes on multiple containers of a single server using image dolphindb/dolphindb:v2.00.5. You can download a high-availability cluster with three controllers and three data nodes using Docker Compose. Note that an enterprise license is required to deploy a high-availability cluster.


Log in the server and execute the following commands:

git clone

Then check the tree-structured directory:

cd dolphindb-k8s/docker-compose/ddb_high_cluster && tree ./

Expected output:

├── cfg
│   ├── agent1.cfg
│   ├── agent2.cfg
│   ├── agent3.cfg
│   ├── cluster.cfg
│   ├── cluster.nodes
│   ├── controller1.cfg
│   ├── controller2.cfg
│   └── controller3.cfg
├── cluster
│   ├── agent
│   │   ├── data
│   │   └── log
│   └── controller
│       ├── data
│       └── log
├── docker-compose.yml
└── dolphindb.lic

8 directories, 10 files

The files/folders are explained below:

File/FolderDescriptionDirectory of HostDirectory of Container
docker-compose.ymldefining services, networks, and volumes for a Docker applicationNoneNone
dolphindb.liclicense file of DolphinDB./dolphindb.lic/data/ddb/server/dolphindb.lic
cfgstoring the configuration files of nodes./cfg/agent1.cfg; ./cfg/agent2.cfg; ./cfg/agent3.cfg; ./cfg/cluster.cfg; ./cfg/cluster.nodes; ./cfg/controller1.cfg; ./cfg/controller2.cfg; ./cfg/controller3.cfg/data/ddb/server/clusterDemo/config/agent1.cfg; /data/ddb/server/clusterDemo/config/agent2.cfg; /data/ddb/server/clusterDemo/config/agent3.cfg; /data/ddb/server/clusterDemo/config/cluster.cfg; /data/ddb/server/clusterDemo/config/cluster.nodes; /data/ddb/server/clusterDemo/config/controller1.cfg; /data/ddb/server/clusterDemo/config/controller2.cfg; /data/ddb/server/clusterDemo/config/controller3.cfg;
clusterstoring DolphinDB data and logs./cluster/controller/data; ./cluster/controller/log; ./cluster/agent/data; ./cluster/agent/log/data/ddb/server/clusterDemo/data; /data/ddb/server/clusterDemo/log

Start Docker Compose service:

docker-compose up -d

Expected output:

[+] Running 7/7
 ⠿ Network dev_ddb            Created                                                                                    0.2s
 ⠿ Container ddb_controller3  Started                                                                                    1.0s
 ⠿ Container ddb_controller1  Started                                                                                    1.0s
 ⠿ Container ddb_controller2  Started                                                                                    0.9s
 ⠿ Container ddb_agent3       Started                                                                                    1.9s
 ⠿ Container ddb_agent1       Started                                                                                    1.9s
 ⠿ Container ddb_agent2       Started                                                                                    1.8s

Enter "IP:port" (where port is 8901) in your browser and the page shows:


Click the "guest" → "Log in" button in the upper right corner, and enter username "admin" and password "123456" to start the container services. See DolphinDB High-availability Cluster Deployment and Docker Documentationfor detailed instructions.

Note: For the single-node high-availability cluster deployed in this chapter, IP addresses within the virtual network domain are assigned to nodes. The cluster cannot be scaled out to a multi-node high-availability cluster.

Production Environment (Multi-Server High-Availability Deployment)


This chapter will deploy a high-availability cluster with multiple controllers and data nodes on multiple containers of multiple servers using image dolphindb/dolphindb:v2.00.5. You can download a high-availability cluster with three controllers and three data nodes with Docker Compose. Note that an enterprise license is required to deploy a high-availability cluster.


Copy DolphinDB image by executing the following commands on each node:

  • host1:
git clone  \
&& cd dolphindb_k8s/docker-compose/ddb_high_cluster_multi_machine/host1
  • host2:
git clone  \
&& cd dolphindb_k8s/docker-compose/ddb_high_cluster_multi_machine/host2
  • host3:
git clone  \
&& cd dolphindb_k8s/docker-compose/ddb_high_cluster_multi_machine/host3

Then check the tree-structured directory:

tree ./

Expected output:

  • host1:
├── cfg
│   ├── agent1.cfg
│   ├── cluster.cfg
│   ├── cluster.nodes
│   └── controller1.cfg
├── cluster
│   ├── agent
│   │   ├── data
│   │   └── log
│   └── controller
│       ├── data
│       └── log
├── docker-compose.yml
└── dolphindb.lic

8 directories, 6 files
  • host2:
├── cfg
│   ├── agent2.cfg
│   ├── cluster.cfg
│   ├── cluster.nodes
│   └── controller2.cfg
├── cluster
│   ├── agent
│   │   ├── data
│   │   └── log
│   └── controller
│       ├── data
│       └── log
├── docker-compose.yml
└── dolphindb.lic

8 directories, 6 files
  • host3:
├── cfg
│   ├── agent3.cfg
│   ├── cluster.cfg
│   ├── cluster.nodes
│   └── controller3.cfg
├── cluster
│   ├── agent
│   │   ├── data
│   │   └── log
│   └── controller
│       ├── data
│       └── log
├── docker-compose.yml
└── dolphindb.lic

8 directories, 6 files

The files/folders are explained below:

File/FolderDescriptionDirectory of HostDirectory of Container
docker-compose.ymldefining services, networks, and volumes for a Docker applicationnonenone
dolphindb.liclicense file of DolphinDB./dolphindb.lic/data/ddb/server/dolphindb.lic
cfgstoring the configuration files of nodes./cfg/agent1.cfg; ./cfg/agent2.cfg; ./cfg/agent3.cfg; ./cfg/cluster.cfg; ./cfg/cluster.nodes; ./cfg/controller1.cfg; ./cfg/controller2.cfg; ./cfg/controller3.cfg/data/ddb/server/clusterDemo/config/agent1.cfg; /data/ddb/server/clusterDemo/config/agent2.cfg; /data/ddb/server/clusterDemo/config/agent3.cfg; /data/ddb/server/clusterDemo/config/cluster.cfg; /data/ddb/server/clusterDemo/config/cluster.nodes; /data/ddb/server/clusterDemo/config/controller1.cfg; /data/ddb/server/clusterDemo/config/controller2.cfg; /data/ddb/server/clusterDemo/config/controller3.cfg;
clusterstoring DolphinDB data and logs./cluster/controller/data; ./cluster/controller/log; ./cluster/agent/data; ./cluster/agent/log/data/ddb/server/clusterDemo/data; /data/ddb/server/clusterDemo/log

The node and container information is shown below:

Container Name (Unique)Node TypeHost IPNode Name, Type, Port
ddb_agent1agent & data nodexx.xx.xx.81agent1,agent,8904 P1-node1,datanode,8905
ddb_agent2agent & data nodexx.xx.xx.82agent2,agent,8906 P2-node1,datanode,8907
ddb_agent3agent & data nodexx.xx.xx.83agent3,agent,8908 P3-node1,datanode,8909


  • The file mapping process overwrites the containers with the files on the host machine. It's necessary to confirm whether to keep the data, logs and configuration files when creating a container.
  • To ensure the communication among host machines and containers, you can modify the host IP. For the configuration of IP addresses for each server, see DolphinDB Multi-Machine Cluster Deployment

Start Docker Compose service by executing the following command on each server (where the docker-compose.yml resides):

docker-compose up -d

Expected output:

  • host1:
[+] Running 3/3
 ⠿ Network dev_ddb            Created                                                                                0.1s
 ⠿ Container ddb_controller1  Started                                                                                1.7s
 ⠿ Container ddb_agent1       Started                                                                                3.3s
  • host2:
[+] Running 3/3
 ⠿ Network dev_ddb            Created                                                                                0.1s
 ⠿ Container ddb_controller2  Started                                                                                1.4s
 ⠿ Container ddb_agent2       Started                                                                                3.2s
  • host3:
[+] Running 3/3
 ⠿ Network dev_ddb            Created                                                                                0.1s
 ⠿ Container ddb_controller3  Started                                                                                1.7s
 ⠿ Container ddb_agent3       Started                                                                                3.4s

Enter "IP:port" (where port is 8901) in your browser and the page shows:


Click the "guest" → "Log in" button in the upper right corner, and enter username "admin" and password "123456" to start the container services. See DolphinDB High-availability Cluster Deployment and Docker Documentationfor detailed instructions.


How to upgrade DolphinDB version?

For example, to upgrade the DolphinDB image to version dolphindb/dolphindb:v2.00.6:

To upgrade all containers, go to the .env file under the same directory as docker-compose.yml and modify the environment variables:


Execute the following command and restart the services:

docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d

Expected output:

[+] Running 7/7
 ⠿ Container ddb_agent3       Removed                                                                                    1.6s
 ⠿ Container ddb_agent1       Removed                                                                                    1.6s
 ⠿ Container ddb_agent2       Removed                                                                                    1.3s
 ⠿ Container ddb_controller1  Removed                                                                                    2.7s
 ⠿ Container ddb_controller2  Removed                                                                                    2.6s
 ⠿ Container ddb_controller3  Removed                                                                                    2.6s
 ⠿ Network dev_ddb            Removed                                                                                    0.1s

Errors and Solutions

If the following error message is reported:

but no declaration was found in the volumes section.

It indicates that the data volume is not declared or that a relative path is not used to map the data volume.

Solution: Configure the data volume in the yaml file and use a relative path for file mapping.