

System Impacts Caused by Bug Fixes

  • Modified the data types of columns “*_allowed“ and “*_denied“ returned by getUserAccess and getGroupAccess from STRING to BLOB.

  • Modified the behavior of flatten. The following operations are allowed since this release:

    • Flattening a tuple containing NULL values.

      flatten((3, NULL, 5)) 
      // Error (previous releases): Couldn't flatten the vector because some elements of the vector have inconsistent types.'
      // Output (current release): [3,,5]
    • Flattening a tuple containing tuples and other data forms.

      flatten([(1, "aa"), 2.5, 3])
      // Error (previous releases): Couldn't flatten the vector because some elements of the vector have inconsistent types.'
      // Output (current release): [1,aa,2.5,3]
  • Fixed the results returned by aggregate functions such as wsum and wavg with a scalar and an empty array as inputs.

    • In previous releases, incorrect results were returned.

    • Since this release, NULL values are returned.

      wsum(1, array(int, 0, 1))
      // Previous releases returned incorrect results: 111,023,352
      // Current release returns NULL

Version 3.00.1

Changes Affecting Storage or Version Rollback

In this release, rollbacks to previous versions are impossible after the following actions:

  • Using SQL DELETE or INSERT INTO statements in scripts involving function persistence (e.g., function views, scheduled jobs). This is due to changes in the persistence protocol for the two statements.

  • Adding a scheduled job, or triggering a checkpoint (which generates a jobCheckPoint.meta file in the sysmgmt directory) by adding/deleteing scheduled jobs.

  • Creating a table in a database that uses the PKEY storage engine.

  • Using the new compression algorithm chimp in OLAP, TSDB, or PKEY storage engines.

  • Creating a table with vector indexing in a TSDB database.

  • Triggering a compaction of level 3 files.

System Impacts Caused by Bug Fixes

  • Modified the default value of snapshot parameter for the restore function from true to false. This change prevents potential deletion of non-backed up data during subsequent restores, enhancing data safety.

  • Behavior change for type conversion of subarrays. Converting a subarray of the big array now returns HUGE <DATATYPE> VECTOR instead of the previously returned FAST <DATATYPE> VECTOR.

    subx=subarray(x, 0:5000)
    // convert the data type of subx and check its type
    // Output(previous releases): FAST CHAR VECTOR
    // Output(since this release): HUGE CHAR VECTOR
  • Adjusted the result precision for functions std, stdp, var, varp, skew, kurtosis and their related m- and tm-functions to match Python standards when the calculation involves extreme values.
  • Modified the behavior of flatten when handling a tuple of tuples:
    • In previous releases, the tuple was flattened to a 1d vector.

    • Since this release, each tuple element is converted to a 1d vector and a tuple is returned.

      list2 = (("aa", "bb", "cc"), ("dd", "ee", "ff"))
      // Output (previous releases): STRING VECTOR:[`aa,`bb,`cc,`dd,`ee,`ff]
      // Output (current release): ANY VECTOR (["aa", "bb", "cc"], ["dd", "ee", "ff"])
  • In previous releases, a user-defined JIT function returning multiple scalars in definition would return a vector. Since this release, a tuple is returned.

    def f(a, b, c){
        return a, b, c
    a = 1
    b = -1
    c = int(NULL)
    typestr(f(a, b, c))
    // Output (previous releases): FAST INT VECTOR
    // Output (current release): ANY VECTOR