
Version: 2.00.12  Compatibility Level 2 with 2.00.11 & 1.30.23

For details, see Compatibility Changes.

Release Date: 2024-04-03

Available Downloads:

New Features

  • Added parameter minPeriods to functions mcount and mrank for specifying the minimum number of observations in a window. (

  • Added the new function createStreamBroadcastingEngine for creating an engine that broadcasts streaming data. (

  • Added function fromStdJson for parsing standard JSON objects into DolphinDB variables. (

  • Added function parseInteger (alias parseInt) for converting strings into integers with specified numeral system. (

  • Added functions backupSettings and restoreSettings to back up and restore settings on users, permissions and function views for database migration. (

  • Added functions VaR and CVaR to calculate value at risk and conditional value at risk. (

  • Added functions nss and nssPredict to fit the yield curve and predict the bond yield. (

  • Added function matrixRank to calculate the rank of a matrix.

  • Added function bondAccrInt to calculate the accrued interest of securities.

  • Added function pinverse to find the pseudoinverse of a matrix.

  • Added function geoWithin to determine whether a point lies inside or outside a polygon.

  • Added functions getDfsRecoveryConcurrency and resetDfsRecoveryConcurrency to get and set the maximum concurrency of data recovery tasks on the controller.

  • Added functions getDfsRebalanceConcurrency and resetDfsRebalanceConcurrency to get and set the maximum concurrency of data rebalancing tasks on the controller.

  • Added function getTSDBTableIndexCacheStatus to check the memory usage of the level file indices of TSDB tables loaded on the current node.

  • Added function rowGroupby for aggregation grouped by rows.

  • Added function wslr for weighted single linear regression.

  • Added function digitize to bucket data based on specific bin values.

  • Added function lowerBound to find the first element that is greater than or equal to a specific value and return its index in an increasing object.

  • Added function fmin to minimize a function using a Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm.

  • Added functions pdfF, pdfChiSquare, and pdfNormal to calculate probability density of F, chi-square, and normal distributions.

  • Added function createReactiveStateLessEngine which maintains states and outputs calculation results based on associated data for each data injection.

  • Added function kroghInterpolate for polynomial interpolation of a set of points.

  • Added mTopN function: mpercentileTopN.

  • Added m-functions: mfirstNot, mlastNot, mLowRange, mTopRange.

  • Added functions minIgnoreNull and maxIgnoreNull for obtaining the min and max values with NULLs ignored.

  • Added tm-functions: tmLowRange, tmTopRange.

  • Added support for ZSTD compression algorithm.

  • Added function setDynamicConfig to dynamically set a specified configuration parameter.

  • Added function getDynamicConfig to list all dynamically-modifiable configuration parameters.

  • Added configuration parameter decimalRoundingMode to set the rounding method for DECIMAL values.

  • Added configuration parameter checkExistingPartitionNumForQuery to use the number of existing partitions obtained from the controller for queries.

  • Added configuration parameter enableAuditLog to enable audit logs. Added function getAuditLog to query audit logs and configuration parameter auditLogRetentionTime to set audit log retention time.

  • Added configuration parameter enableNullSafeJoin to determine whether NULL values are allowed to match other NULL values during join operations.

  • Added function setStreamTableTimestamp to attach a timestamp column to a stream table to record the data ingestion time.

  • The following features are supported in DolphinDB JIT version:

    • Set and dictionary forms;

    • STRING and SYMBOL types;

    • Multiple return values;

    • Creating array vectors.

  • The use keyword can be used to call .dom module files in scripts.

  • Added support for creating a matrix of DECIMAL or STRING type.

  • Added support for using macro variables and column series in SQL statements.


  • Enhanced the security of the login system by implementing IP-specific lockouts. Multiple failed login attempts occur from a particular IP address will temporarily block further login attempts only from that specific IP. (

  • For TSDB databases configured to retain all data (keepDuplicated set to ALL), the upsert! function no longer requires specifying the keyColNames parameter for all sort columns. (

  • Enahanced user access control for function views and module functions. (

  • Enhanced the performance of queries for finding maximum and minimum values on partitioning columns. (

  • The parameter groupingCol of function groupby now supports specifying a tuple with vectors of the same length. (

  • The parameter sortDirections of function sortBy! can be specified for a keyed table. (

  • The function fixedLengthArrayVector now supports concatenating fixed-length array vectors. (

  • Added parameter keyFilter to function createCrossSectionalEngine to enable key selection with filtering conditions. (

  • Optimized the performance of heterogeneous replay at maximum speed. (

  • Added parameter read for the license function to determine whether to verify the license file before returning the result. (

  • For the sortKeyMappingFunction parameter of function createPartitionedTable, if the mapping function is hashBucket, buckets now can be set as 1. (

  • Optimized the query performance on TSDB tables when using IN condition on sort keys. (

  • Enhanced system security with encrypted passwords. (

  • Optimized the performance of TSDB engine when reading data from cache engine.

  • The sortColumns parameter specified for a TSDB table now supports DECIMAL type.

  • Added support for setting priority queues at the database level for asynchronous replication.

  • Added support for tiered storage in a standalone mode.

  • The rebalanceChunksWithinDataNode function now can be called in a standalone mode.

  • Enhanced the partition pruning logic when using IN keyword within a WHERE clause.

  • Added alias createDimensionTable for the createTable function.

  • Optimized the performance of functions lasso and ElasticNet.

  • Added parameter ignoreNull for functions nunique and cumnunique, which specifies whether to return only the unique non-NULL elements.

  • Increased the maximum allowed precision for the round function to 10 digits.

  • Soft delete for TSDB databases now can be enabled in a CREATE TABLE statement with the newly-added parameter softDelete.

  • Added the execution plan for queries involving join operations in [HINT_EXPLAIN].

  • Added the execution plan for the WHERE clause in [HINT_EXPLAIN] to monitor the pre-filtering execution phase for queries on TSDB tables.

  • The following functions now can be called on a compute node: createUser, createGroup, resetPwd, changePwd, deleteUser, deleteGroup, addGroupMember, deleteGroupMember, grant, deny, revoke, setMaxJobPriority, setMaxJobParallelism, getUserList, getGroupList, getGroupsByUserId, getUsersByGroupId, getUserAccess, getGroupAccess.

  • Functions mifirstNot, miLastNot, mfirstNot, mlastNot, mimax, mimin now support indexed series and indexed matrix.

  • 'DFLT' now can be set for keyword parameters to fix optional parameters as default values within a partial application.

  • Added parameter n for functions deltas and percentChange to enable calculations across multiple rows.

  • The reactive state engine now supports invoking the functions prev and move on array vector columns.

  • UPDATE statement now supports CSORT and HAVING clauses.

  • Added parameter bondType for functions fiDirtyPrice, fiDuration, and fiConvexity to support multiple bond types including zero-coupon bond and discount bond.

  • Array vector columns are now supported in keyed tables, keyed stream table, and indexed tables.

  • Added the arrayMarker parameter for functions loadText, loadTextEx, ploadText, and textChunkDS to specify an identifier to distinguish imported array vector.

  • Optimized the performance of cross join.

  • Optimized the performance when joining a dimension table and DFS table.

  • Added parameter anomalyDescription for function createAnomalyDetectionEngine to customize the detailed description for anomalies.

  • The replayDS function now can accept input tables containing DECIMAL columns.

  • Optimized the performance when retrieving distinct values of a single column using distinct.

  • Enhanced the createCrossSectionalEngine function with the following changes:

    • The contextByColumn now can be a STRING vector.

    • Added parameter outputElapsedMicroseconds to output the elapsed time and total rows of each calculated batch.

    • Added parameter roundTime to align the window boundary when triggeringPattern='dataInterval'.

  • warmupStreamEngine now supports time series engine.

  • The func parameter of the moving function now accepts aggregate functions that return a tuple.

  • Added parameter map for the sql function to generate SQL statements with map keyword.

  • Optimized the performance of built-in aggregate functions operating on matrices.

  • Enhanced the createTimeSeriesEngine and createDailyTimeSeriesEngine functions with the following changes:

    • Added parameter parallelism to support multi-threaded execution of metrics in the time-series engine.

    • Added parameter acceptedDelay to set the maximum allowable delay for data reception when useSystemTime= true.

  • The print function is now supported in metrics of streaming engines.

  • The system now logs startup commands during the startup process.

  • Optimized the concurrency performance when joining multiple tables.

  • Added parameter usePinv for the ols function to determine whether to use pseudo-inverse method to calculate inverse of a matrix.

  • Added parameter excludedPeriod for the tmoving function to skip the calculation for specific time period.

  • Added support for updating array vector columns of DFS tables.

  • Modified the behavior of function at when it is served as a higher-order function. When X is a function and index is a tuple, each element of index is passed as an argument to the X.

  • The higher-order function each now allows a function with two or more arguments, where the first argument is a dictionary.

  • Optimized data rebalancing algorithms.

  • Added parameter updatedBeforeDays for functions rebalanceChunksAmongDataNodes and rebalanceChunksWithinDataNode, which limits the rebalancing process to only include data that was last updated before updatedBeforeDays days.

  • The higher-order function cross now allows a function that returns values of CODE, FUNCTIONDEF, STRING, or BLOB type.

  • Removed the restriction on time precision for WHERE conditions involving comparisons of time values in distributed queries.

  • In standalone mode, writing to distributed tables is restricted if the data size of a write operation exceeds the capacity of the cache engine.

  • Added support for defining vectors or tuples across multiple lines.

  • Enhanced the Analytic Function (Window Function) with the following changes:

    • Added support for the following functions: imin, imax, iminLast, imaxLast, firstNot, lastNot, sum2, prod, percentile, wavg, wsum, corr, covar, beta, atImax, atImin.

    • RANGE can be used to define a window frame based on time values.

    • Added support for GROUP BY clause and allowed to nest aggregate function.

Issues Fixed

  • [D20-18152] Fixed an issue where interactive jobs submitted through Web interface or VS Code extension by users with lower-than-default priority (or parallelism) still used default values. (

  • [D20-18245] Fixed an error of the backup function on a compo-partitioned database if the filter condition matched the first-level partition and some second-level sub-partitions were empty. (

  • [D20-18312] Fixed a server crash when querying an array vector column with distinct. (

  • [D20-18356] Fixed an issue where queries failed during ej operation if the table name was not specified in the where condition. (

  • [D20-18423] Fixed system crashes after executing the createWindowJoinEngine function with invalid parameters. (

  • [D20-18122] Fixed an error where using the move function may lead to incorrect calculation results if the input data was an intermediate result. (

  • [D20-18219] Fixed occasional crashes when executing the mpercentile function multiple times. (

  • [D20-18331] Fixed an error in JIT when using the rank function due to type inference issues. (

  • [D20-18291] Fixed an error in JIT when using the isort function due to compatibility issues. (

  • Fixed incorrect equi join (ej) results of keyed tables. (

  • Fixed occasional redo log replay failures that occurred when function views were being added or deleted concurrently during a checkpoint operation. (

  • Fixed an issue where queries on a dimension table occasionally failed when dimension table cache was being released concurrently. (

  • Fixed an issue where asynchronous replication would get stuck in the slave cluster when multiple tables in a database were truncated concurrently. (

  • Fixed an issue of hanging nodes when modules loaded with configuration parameter preloadModules contained recursive function calls. (

  • Fixed occasional login failures during client reconnection. (

  • Fixed occasional server crashes when replaying redo logs for excessively time-consuming TSDB transactions. (

  • Fixed occasional server crashes caused by left join. (

  • Fixed inaccurate memory usage statistics for array vectors. (

  • Fixed server crashes caused by SQL queries when the first argument of interval was not a column. (

  • Fixed an issue where minPeriods of function mmad did not take effect. (

  • Fixed server crashes caused by SQL queries if a database path was not a string. (

  • Fixed incorrect results of distributed queries if context by clause involved more than two columns and the csort clause included these context-by columns. (

  • Fixed an issue where replay tasks got stuck if the number of workers was significantly smaller than the number of partitions. (

  • Fixed an error in SQL queries with pivot by clause when the select/exec clause contained expressions. (

  • Fixed an error when restoring manual backup files from Amazon S3. (

  • Fixed an error when querying an empty table where the select clause called function eachPre and the SQL query contained context by clause. This issue was introduced in version (

  • Fixed precision loss of DECIMALs when writing streaming data to a DFS table with batchSize set to 1. (

  • Fixed occasional incorrect results of metaprogramming with macro variables when applying function patterns to multiple columns by group, particularly with aggregate or order-sensitive functions. (

  • Fixed an issue where the equal= sign in where conditions did not take effect if a STRING or SYMBOL partitioning column of a VALUE-partitioned table contained decimal points or other special characters. This issue was introduced in version 2.00.12. (

  • Fixed an error reported when aggregating joined columns. (

  • Fixed server crashes caused by SQL queries calling ols within the higher-order function moving. (

  • Fixed server crashes where Raft was not initialized while HA stream tables were already loaded during a node reboot. (

  • Fixed incorrect result of executionSet returned by getSlaveReplicationQueueStatus if a Leader was switched to Follower and then re-elected as Leader. (

  • Fixed Unrecognized column name error for queries using ej on DFS tables and external variables in where conditions. (

  • Fixed server crashes on the ARM version caused by multi-threaded queries. (

  • Fixed server crashes caused by concurrent select and append! operations on in-memory tables after resource tracking was enabled. (

  • Fixed an issue where the execution of clearCachedModules in console did not take effect. (

  • Fixed server crashes when using the head function in the aggs parameter of wj. (

  • Fixed server crashes caused by compilation failure during recursive or nested calls to JIT functions. (

  • Fixed server crashes caused by a distributed query with the WHERE clause containing functions that generated temporary variables. (

  • Fixed an issue where the analytic function could not recognize the column used in multiple joins. (

  • Fixed an issue where the schema function returned an incorrect partitionSchema that contained partitions already dropped with function dropPartition(with deleteSchema= true specified).

  • Fixed an issue where the result of the iif function was incorrectly typed as a STRING when the output was intended to be metacode.

  • Fixed an error for function getFunctionViews when the returned function body was excessively large.

  • Fixed an issue where the result of each function call was not being properly removed when the function contained cast($) operations used to convert the data type to the same type.

  • Fixed server crashes when the results of lshift (<<) and rshift (>>) contained NULL values.

  • Fixed an issue where replicas of chunks could be copied to a compute node using the copyReplicas function.

  • Fixed an issue where the format function returned incorrect results when applying a specified format to DECIMAL objects.

  • Fixed server crashes when using function med with excessively large data.

  • Fixed server crashes when passing a tuple with non-vector elements to the nunique function.

  • Fixed incorrect results when both X and Y of the asof function input vectors containing only NULL values.

  • Fixed an issue where appending data to a vector ignored the maximum size limit. An error will now be reported in such cases.

  • Fixed an issue where the lj, aj and other join-related functions did not support keyword parameters.

  • Fixed an issue where the database function failed to create an in-memory database with enableLocalDatabase=false configured.

  • Fixed an issue with the sqlDS function where partition pruning was not applied when the SQL statement specified in the sqlObj parameter contained the IN keyword in the WHERE clause.

  • Fixed an issue in standalone mode, where transactions were incorrectly replayed due to the edit log being written before the redo log.

  • Fixed incorrect results returned by the reactive state engine when calculating the cummin function with the following types of data: UUID, INT128, IPADDR, COMPLEX and POINT.

  • Fixed an error occurred when comments were placed between the function name and the function body.

  • Fixed an issue where the cleanup process for expired files of persistent stream tables would get stuck in an infinite loop if it encountered a non-existent file.

  • Fixed an issue where the presence of stale partitions could potentially cause data from new partitions located under the same path to be garbage collected.

  • Fixed server crashes when calculating DECIMAL array vectors in a query with PIVOT BY clause.

  • Fixed server crashes when using both CASE and WHERE NOT keywords in a single query.

  • Fixed an error that reported when using three or more UNION ALL keywords in a single SELECT FROM statement.

  • Fixed inconsistent query results when using double quote ("") and single quotes ('') in the WHERE condition to filter the CHAR column of a DFS table.

  • Fixed incorrect query results on a sorted keyed table

  • Fixed an issue where assigning a matrix to multiple output columns in a query returned incorrect results.

  • Fixed server crashes when using exists keyword in a query containing joins of multiple partitioned tables.

  • Fixed an issue where using a non-aggregate function in the SELECT statement did not report an error when grouping value-partitioned columns using the GROUP BY clause. An error will now be reported in such cases.

  • Fixed an error that occurred when the query result contained an array vector and the PIVOT BY clause included sort keys.

  • Fixed an error that occurred when using a function with multiple return values in combination with a WHERE clause in a query.

  • Fixed server crashes due to an out-of-bounds error when accessing an array in metrics of a time-series engine with useSystemTime=true specified.

  • Fixed a parsing issue in time-series engines for functions that return array vectors.

  • Fixed an issue where a write failure to a persisted table could disrupt data consumption for the subscription.

  • Fixed server crashes when the number of metricNames did not match that of factors specified in metrics for function createNarrowReactiveStateEngine.

  • Fixed an error when using the nullFill! function in a reactive state engine. This error was introduced in version

  • Fixed server crashes when the formal parameter of the JIT function had the same name as the built-in functions.

  • Fixed an issue where the newly appended element to a vector within a JIT function could not be accessed or modified by indexes.

  • Fixed incorrect results returned by the JIT function when calculating a vector that had NULL values appended or assigned to it.