
Version: 1.30.23     Compatibility Level 2 with 1.30.22

For details, see Compatibility Changes.

Release Date: 2024-01-03

Available Downloads:

New Features

  • Added configuration parameter s3Endpoint for accessing AWS S3. (

  • Added function regexFindStr to find substrings that match a regular expression in a given string.(

  • Added support for using the OVER clause with window functions which compute values over a particular window (group of rows) and return a single result for each row, including: sum, avg, std, stdp, var, varp, count, min, max, skew, kurtosis, med, rank, dense_rank, percent_rank, row_number, cume_dist, lead, lag, ntile, first_value, last_value, and nth_value. (1.30.23)

  • Added configuration parameter jobParallelismHardLimit to limit the maximum number of workers a job can use to the parallelism of that job. (1.30.23)

  • Added configuration parameter defaultJobParallelism to set the default parallelism for jobs submitted by users. (1.30.23)

  • Added configuration parameter datanodeRestartLevel to set the triggering condition for the controller to automatically restart the data/compute node. Added function setDatanodeRestartInterval to set the restart interval online and function getDatanodeRestartInterval to obtain the configured datanodeRestartInterval. (1.30.23)

  • Added configuration parameters thirdPartyCreateUserCallback and thirdPartyDeleteUserCallback to call back specified function views when using the createUser and deleteUser functions. (1.30.23)

  • Added functions RidgeCV, ElasticNetCV, and LassoCV for cross-validation of machine learning models. (1.30.23)

  • Added functions iminLast/imaxLast/miminLast/mimaxLast/rowIminLast/rowImaxLast to return the maximum index for multiple extreme values. (1.30.23)

  • Added function signbit to get the sign of ±0.0. (1.30.23)

  • Added function submitJobEx2 which has similar functionality as submitJobEx but supports passing in a callback function. (1.30.23)

  • Added function kendall to calculate the Kendall rank correlation coefficients. (1.30.23)

  • Added functions clip and clip! to truncate data outside a given range. These functions have similar functionality to numpy.clip. (1.30.23)

  • Added function tableUpsert which has the same functionality as upsert! but returns the number of records that have been updated and inserted. (1.30.23)

  • Added function snippet to return the results as a STRING scalar. (1.30.23)

  • Added function socp which minimizes a linear objective function within specified constraints for solving second-order cone programs. (1.30.23)

  • Added function existsStreamTable to check if a stream table exists. (1.30.23)

  • Added function getStreamTables to get the information of all stream tables. (1.30.23)


  • When parameter triggeringPattern of function createCrossSectionalEngine is set to "dataInterval", the calculation will now be triggered only for intervals where new data has been received, instead of for all intervals. (

  • Function hex now can convert floating numbers to hexadecimal. (

  • Function replayDS supports input of DECIMAL type. (

  • Line breaks are supported before the member(.) operator in scripts. (

  • Integrated modules and function view functionality (1.30.23):

    • Enabled namespace (module) for function view to prevent name conflicts. Any addition or deletion operations on function views will be synchronized and persisted to all nodes in a cluster.

  • Enhanced access control on job cancellation. (1.30.23)

  • Added return values for function schema (1.30.23):

    • the database and table creator;

    • compression algorithm for each column;

  • The loadPlugin function allows directly loading the plugin by specifying the filePath parameter as the plugin name. (1.30.23)

  • The backup function now supports setting backupDir to a directory on AWS S3. (1.30.23)

  • Enhanced functions transFreq, asFreq, and resample (1.30.23):

    • The closed and label parameters have been relaxed to allow more flexible specification when the time precision of rule is larger than day.

    • Added support for multiple trading days frequency for operations.

  • Function moving now supports passing a matrix as input (1.30.23).

  • Added support for online update for licenses with trial authorization. (1.30.23)

  • Functions toJson and toStdJson support escape characters when converting BLOB types. (1.30.23)

  • Optimized the performance of functions scs and quadprog. (1.30.23)

  • The unionAll function supports NULL values for the first element when the input is a tuple. (1.30.23)

  • The memory taken up by the dimension table now will be released automatically. (1.30.23)

  • For value-partitioned tables with partitioning columns of STRING or SYMBOL type, configuration parameter ignoreSpecialCharacterInPartitionId is added to specify whether to ignore ':' and '.' in partitioning columns when creating partition directories. (1.30.23)

  • Optimized the performance of function createAsofJoinEngine. (1.30.23)

  • Added parameter outputElapsedMicroseconds for the asof join engine and lookup join engine to output the elapsed time of each calculation. (1.30.23)

  • Functions createAsofJoinEngine, createSessionWindowEngine, and createLeftSemiJoinEngine now support passing array vectors as inputs. (1.30.23)

  • The calculation of time series engine now can be triggered by each incoming record with updateTime = 0. (1.30.23)

  • Added parameterskeyCapacity and parallelism for the reactive state engine to address the performance issue when calculating within a large number of groups. (1.30.23)

  • The state function defined in metrics of a reactive state engine now supports using for loops. (1.30.23)

  • Added parameter keepDuplicates for the lookup join engine to specify whether to keep all matching records in the right table. (1.30.23)

  • Added parameter subWindow for the time series engine to enable calculations in a subset time range within the window. (1.30.23)

  • Enhanced the streaming monitoring with function getStreamingStat for the status of workers of subscriber nodes. (1.30.23)

  • Function tmsum2 can be used as a state function in a reactive state engine. (1.30.23)

  • The cumTopN functions can be used as state functions in a reactive state engine. (1.30.23)

  • Added option "dataInterval" for parameter triggeringPattern of function createCrossSectionalEngine to calculate at intervals based on timestamps in the data. (1.30.23)

  • Added option "saltedHash" for parameter dispatchType of function createStreamDispatchEngine to apply a salted hash algorithm on keyColumn and distribute records based on the hash result. (1.30.23)

  • Added parameter preciseRate of function replay to specify whether to replay at replayRate times the time difference between two adjacent records. (1.30.23)

  • Data of DECIMAL type now can be calculated in streaming engines. (1.30.23)

  • Enhanced job execution logs to include detailed tracking for UPDATE and DELETE statements. (1.30.23)

  • For filtering conditions in a distributed query, DATE type can be compared with higher precision temporal types. (1.30.23)

  • Added size constraints for STRING, BLOB, and SYMBOL data written to distributed databases. (1.30.23)

  • Updated the exchange calendars for Year 2024. (1.30.23)

Issues Fixed

  • Fixed a parsing issue for binary operator with function patterns, e.g +:A(1, 2 3 4). (

  • Fixed the error when using function eval to evaluate a lambda expression parsed by parseExpr. (

  • Fixed an issue where the value of CODE type returned from a user-defined function was incorrectly interpreted as of STRING type. (

  • Fixed the issue where data being asynchronously replicated was removed when the controller failed to commit the transaction. This issue was introduced since version 2.00.11. (

  • Fixed data inconsistency during online recovery of replicas with large amount of different data. (

  • Fixed a server startup failure due to deserialization error when a function view involved the update operations on shared tables. (

  • Fixed occasional metadata errors arising from frequent OOM rollbacks across multiple transactions. (

  • Fixed incorrect results of each when the input was a partially-applied function (such as makeCall and binaryExpr). (

  • Fixed server crashes when the obj of upsert! was a keyed table with the original key column of STRING type and the corresponding newData column of SYMBOL type, and ignoreNull was set to true. (

  • Fixed incorrect results of add when taking BLOB vectors. (

  • Fixed incorrect results of update on DFS tables when aggregate functions, order-sensitive functions or user-defined functions were applied across partitions. (

  • Fixed incorrect query results when the where condition of a SQL query was specified as NULL. (

  • Fixed incorrect query results when a SQL query involved order by clause, and the where conditions used AND to specify multiple conditions containing aggregations. (

  • Fixed an error when a SQL order by clause specified variable names. This issue was introduced in versions 2.00.10 / 1.30.22. (

  • Fixed server crashes when using case when to evaluate an empty table in a SQL query. (

  • Fixed an error for createReactiveStateEngine when the parallelism parameter was set and metrics contained constant expressions. (

  • Fixed an error when sliceByKey accepted a shared keyed table as input. (

  • Fixed access denial errors when using nested function views. (1.30.23)

  • Fixed "No such file or directory" errors when reading empty dimension tables which were restored from backups after server restart. (1.30.23)

  • Fixed occasional errors when renaming columns using rename!. (1.30.23)

  • Fixed startup failures when dataSync=1 was configured on the controller but chunkCacheEngineMemSize was not set on the compute nodes. (1.30.23)

  • Fixed server restart failure due to replay issues after writing strings over 64 KB to distributed tables. (1.30.23)

  • Fixed incorrect nunique results calculated over multiple fields. (1.30.23)

  • Fixed server crashes when the symbol :R (of high-order function eachRight) took an incorrect number of arguments. (1.30.23)

  • Fixed errors when querying the table imported with loadText from a non UTF-8 formatted CSV file. (1.30.23)

  • Fixed incorrect results when applying the string function with byRow on a matrix. (1.30.23)

  • Fixed incorrect align results on series with non-increasing labels that contain duplicates. (1.30.23)

  • Fixed incorrect results of the parallel computation of peach for ignoring NULL values. (1.30.23)

  • Fixed memory leaks when calling resample. (1.30.23)

  • Fixed a bug where the corrMatrix function modified values of input arguments. (1.30.23)

  • Fixed the following issues with fromJson (1.30.23):

    • Server crashes caused by dictionary value being an empty JSON tuple.

    • Incorrect results caused by dictionary value being nested JSON tuples.

  • Fixed occasional row count mismatch errors when specifying both partition and byColName for function unionAll. (1.30.23)

  • Fixed an issue where streamEngineParserfailed to create streaming engines due to parsing errors if row-based metrics invoked functions with multiple return values. (1.30.23)

  • Fixed an issue where the subscriber consuming messages at a slower pace compared with other subscribers failed to read data. (1.30.23)

  • Fixed server crashes caused by ingesting an empty table into the left table of a lookup join engine. (1.30.23)

  • Fixed deadlocks when two nodes simultaneously call unsubscribeTable to cancel subscriptions to the same table on a remote node. (1.30.23)

  • Fixed incorrect results of createTimeSeriesEngine when specifying multiple columns for timeColumn and calculating on one of the time columns. (1.30.23)

  • Fixed an issue where calculations were not conducted after sorting within groups when order-sensitive functions were used in the select clause with context by and csort. (1.30.23)

  • Fixed errors when using aggregate functions on vector slices in the select clause with group by. (1.30.23)

  • Fixed an issue where a variable with the same name as a function view was incorrectly parsed in a SQL where clause if the and operator was used. (1.30.23)

  • Fixed server crashes when the variable after drop table did not exist. (1.30.23)

  • Fixed incorrect results when using the zigzag function in the select clause with context by. (1.30.23)

  • Fixed server crashes on Windows when applying group by to long strings. (1.30.23)

  • Fixed an issue with sqlDS data sources whereby specified partitions from the right table were absent in the generated output when joining two distributed tables. (1.30.23)