
Compatibility Notes

Please use DolphinDB server and DolphinDB JDBC Connector or above version and keep the first three segments of the version number the same (e.g., 3.00.0.x) to make sure all interfaces available.

New Features

  • Added support for methods on catalog operations such as supportsSchema and supportsCatalog.

  • Added methods setFetchDirection and getFetchDirection for setting and getting the direction of fetching rows of ResultSet. Note that DolphinDB JDBC only supports ResultSet.FETCH_FORWARD.

  • Optimized the return value of getIdentifierQuoteString.

  • Added support for querying fields containing special character $.

  • Added support for calling data type conversion methods with brackets within the insert into statement.

  • Added support for "NULL" or " " in the insert into statement when writing data to a DFS table.

  • Methods executeQuery and executeUpdate of JDBCPreparedStatement class support statements without placeholders.

  • Added support for calling loadTable in the update statement on DFS tables with class JDBCPreparedStatement or JDBCStatement.

  • Optimized the logic of method clearParameter of the JDBCPreparedStatement class.

Issues Fixed

Fixed an issue where connection was established in unauthenticated mode if the JDBC URL only specified user or password. An error is now reported.

New Features

Introduced Catalog to JDBC Connector:

  • JDBCDataBaseMetaData class:

    • Added getCatalogs to get all catalogs in the database.

    • Added getTables to get all tables in the catalog.

    • Added getColumns to get all columns in the catalog.

    • Added getSchemas to get all schemas in the catalog.

  • JDBCConnection class:

    • Added setCatalog to set a catalog.

    • Added getCatalog to check available catalogs in the current JDBCConnection.