
New Features

  • Added the following new methods to the JDBCDataBaseMetaData class:
    • setCatalog to set the database catalog name to select a subspace of the Connection object's database in which to work.

    • getCatalogs to get the database catalogs.

    • getTables to get information of specific tables.

    • getColumns to get information of specific columns.

  • Added getBigDecimal method to the JDBCResult class to retrieve the value of specified column as BigDecimal type. It can be called in two ways:
    BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int columnIndex) throws SQLException;
    BigDecimal getBigDecimal(String columnLabel) throws SQLException;
  • The insert into clause of JDBCPrepareStatement class now supports inserting data to specific columns, and null values are written to the rest columns.

  • Added method setMaxRows to the JDBCStatement class to set the upper limit for the number of records that a ResultSet object can contain.

  • Added method getMaxRows to the JDBCStatement class to get the specified upper limit for the number of records applied to the ResultSet object.

  • The insert into clause of JDBCPrepareStatement class now writes data in batches instead of by record.

  • The commit() and rollback() methods of JDBCConnection class do not support transactions at user level and return null by default.

New Features

Added support for returning data of primitive Java types.


  • Reduced the JAR file size for DolphinDB JDBC dependencies.
  • Added support for JDBC driver 4.0 version. Users no longer need to specify Class.forName("com.dolphindb.jdbc.Driver") when establishing connections.

New Features

  • Added configuration parameter tableAlias to access tables via aliases.

  • The configuration parameter highAvailablitySites now supports input values separated by comma (",") delimiters.

New Features

  • Added support for DECIMAL128 data type.

  • Added connection property sqlStd for SQL parsing.