

tmkurtosis(T, X, window, [biased=true])

Please see tmFunctions for the common parameters and windowing logic.


biased (optional) is a Boolean value indicating whether the result is biased. The default value is true, meaning the bias is not corrected.


Calculate the moving kurtosis of X in a sliding window.


T = 1 1 1 2 5 6
X = 1 4 NULL -1 NULL 4
m = table(T as t, X as x)
select *, tmkurtosis(t, x, 3) from m
t x tmkurtosis_t
1 1
1 4
2 -1 1.5
6 4
T = take(datehour(2019.06.13 13:30:10),4) join (datehour(2019.06.13 13:30:10)+1..6)
X = 1 NULL 3 4 5 NULL 3 NULL 5 3
m = table(T as t,X as x)
select *, tmkurtosis(t, x, 3d) from m
t x tmkurtosis_t
2019.06.13T13 1
2019.06.13T13 3
2019.06.13T13 4 1.5
2019.06.13T14 5 1.8457
2019.06.13T15 1.8457
2019.06.13T16 3 2.2169
2019.06.13T17 2.2169
2019.06.13T18 5 2.2401
2019.06.13T19 3 2.4072
select *, tmkurtosis(t, x, 1w) from m
t x tmkurtosis_t
2019.06.13T13 1
2019.06.13T13 3
2019.06.13T13 4 1.5
2019.06.13T14 5 1.8457
2019.06.13T15 1.8457
2019.06.13T16 3 2.2169
2019.06.13T17 2.2169
2019.06.13T18 5 2.2401
2019.06.13T19 3 2.4072

Related Functions: mkurtosis, kurtosis