

tmcorr(T, X, Y, window)

Please see tmFunctions for the parameters and windowing logic.


Calculate the correlation of X and Y in a sliding window.


T = 1 1 1 2 5 6
X = 1 4 2 -1 2 4
Y = 2 5 -3 6 9 1
m = table(T as t,X as x, Y as y)
select *, tmcorr(t, y, x, 3) from m
t x y tmcorr_t
1 1 2
1 4 5 1
1 2 -3 0.5399
2 -1 6 -0.1981
5 2 9
6 4 1 -1
T = 2021.01.02 2021.01.02  2021.01.04  2021.01.05 2021.01.07 2021.01.08
X = 1 4 2 -1 2 4
Y = 2 5 -3 6 9 1
m = table(T as t,X as x, Y as y)
select *, tmcorr(t, y, x, 3d) from m
t x y tmcorr_t
2021.01.02 1 2
2021.01.02 4 5 1
2021.01.04 2 -3 0.5399
2021.01.05 -1 6 -1
2021.01.07 2 9 1
2021.01.08 4 1 -1
select *, tmcorr(t, y, x, 1w) from m
t x y tmcorr_t
2021.01.02 1 2
2021.01.02 4 5 1
2021.01.04 2 -3 0.5399
2021.01.05 -1 6 -0.1981
2021.01.07 2 9 -0.0726
2021.01.08 4 1 -0.1995

Related Functions: mcorr, corr