inner join



select column_name(s) from leftTable inner join rightTable on leftTable.matchingCol=rightTable.rightMatchingCol

select column_name(s)
from table1 inner join table2
on table1.column_name=table2.column_name and [filter]


filter 为条件表达式,作为连接时的过滤条件。暂时只支持通过 and 连接多个过滤条件,不支持 or。


返回与连接列匹配的行。该函数返回结果与 equijoin 相同。


  1. 如果有多个连接列,必须使用 and 连接。

  2. 不能和 update 关键字一起使用。


例1. 两个表等值连接,除了连接列外没有其他名称相同的列

t1= table(1 2 3 3 as id, 7.8 4.6 5.1 0.1 as value)
t2 = table(5 3 1 as id, 300 500 800 as qty);
select id, value, qty from t1 inner join t2 on
id value qty
1 7.8 800
3 5.1 500
3 0.1 500
select id, value, qty from t1 inner join t2 on where id=3
id value qty
3 5.1 500
3 0.1 500

例2. 等值连接两张表,它们含有相同名字的列,但是不以它作为连接列:

t3 = table(1 2 3 3 as id, 7.8 4.6 5.1 0.1 as value, 64 73 52 66 as x);
t4 = table(5 3 1 as id,  300 500 800 as qty, 44 66 88 as x) ;
select id, value, qty, x from t3 inner join t4 on
id value qty x
1 7.8 800 64
3 5.1 500 52
3 0.1 500 66


select id, value, qty, t4.x from t3 inner join t4 on
id value qty x
1 7.8 800 88
3 5.1 500 52
3 0.1 500 66

例3. 多个连接列:

select id, value, qty, x from t3 inner join t4 on and t3.x=t4.x
id value qty x
3 0.1 500 66

例4. 分布式表连接:

db1=database(dbName1, RANGE, 1 30 70 101)
t1=table("A"+string(1..100) as sym, 1..100 as val)
pt1=db1.createPartitionedTable(t1, `pt1, `val).append!(t1)
t2=table("A"+string(1..20) as sym, 1..20 as val)
pt2=db1.createPartitionedTable(t2, `pt2, `val).append!(t2)

select * from pt1 inner join pt2 on pt1.val=pt2.val
sym val pt2_sym
A1 1 A1
A2 2 A2
A3 3 A3
A4 4 A4
A5 5 A5
A6 6 A6
A7 7 A7
A8 8 A8
A9 9 A9
A10 10 A10
A11 11 A11
A12 12 A12
A13 13 A13
A14 14 A14
A15 15 A15
A16 16 A16
A17 17 A17
A18 18 A18
A19 19 A19
A20 20 A20

例5. 指定 filter

t1= table(1 2 3 3 6 8 as id, 7.8 4.6 5.1 0.1 0.5 1.2 as value)
t2 = table(5 3 1 2 6 8 as id, 300 500 800 400 600 700 as qty);
select * from t1 inner join t2 on and>=3
id value qty
3 5.1 500
3 0.1 500
6 0.5 600
8 1.2 700