
The TableUpserter class enables you to upsert (i.e., update existing or insert new) data to indexed in-memory tables, keyed in-memory tables and DFS tables. Similar to the TableAppender class, when upserting local DataFrames to a table, time values are automatically converted to match the target schema.

Note: Since DolphinDB Python API, TableUpserter also supports auto conversion of the special DolphinDB data types such as UUID, INT128, IPADDR, and BLOB.

Note: Starting from version of the DolphinDB Python API, the class previously known as "tableUpsert" has been renamed to "TableUpserter". To ensure backward compatibility, the old class name can still be used as an alias.


The following script creates a TableUpsert object with default parameter values:

TableUpsert(dbPath=None, tableName=None, ddbSession=None, ignoreNull=False, keyColNames=[], sortColumns=[])
  • dbPath: The address to the DFS database. For an in-memory table, leave this parameter unspecified.
  • tableName: Name of the DFS table, indexed in-memory table, or keyed in-memory table to upsert data to.
  • ddbSession: session object. The session connecting to a DolphinDB server.
  • ignoreNull: bool, default False. If set to true, for the NULL values in the data to be upserted, the corresponding elements in the target table are not updated.
  • keyColNames: a list of strings, optional. When obj is a DFS table, keyColNames are treated as the key columns.
  • sortColumns: a list of strings, optional. The updated partitions will be sorted on sortColumns (only within each partition, not across partitions).

TableUpserter has only one method, upsert:

  • table: the data to be upserted into the DolphinDB table. It is usually a local pandas.DataFrame.

Example 1

In this example, we create a shared in-memory table, keyed_t, with the "id" column as its key. Then construct a TableAppender object to upsert test data to keyed_t. In the generated test data, the "id" values repeat 0 through 9 and the "text" values increment from 0 to 999. Finally, print the updated keyed_t.

import dolphindb as ddb
import dolphindb.settings as keys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
s = ddb.Session()
s.connect("localhost", 8848, "admin", "123456")

script_KEYEDTABLE = """
    share testtable as keyed_t
upserter = ddb.TableUpserter(tableName="keyed_t", ddbSession=s)
for i in range(1000):
    dates.append(np.datetime64('2012-06-13 13:30:10.008'))
df = pd.DataFrame({
    'date': dates,
    'text': texts,
    'id': ids,
keyed_t ="keyed_t")


                 date        text  id
0 2012-06-13 13:30:10  test_i_990   0
1 2012-06-13 13:30:10  test_i_991   1
2 2012-06-13 13:30:10  test_i_992   2
3 2012-06-13 13:30:10  test_i_993   3
4 2012-06-13 13:30:10  test_i_994   4
5 2012-06-13 13:30:10  test_i_995   5
6 2012-06-13 13:30:10  test_i_996   6
7 2012-06-13 13:30:10  test_i_997   7
8 2012-06-13 13:30:10  test_i_998   8
9 2012-06-13 13:30:10  test_i_999   9

For each unique id value, only the latest record is kept in keyed_t.

Example 2

To upsert data to a DFS table or a non-indexed in-memory table, the key column(s) must be specified when TableUpserter is constructed.

In this example, we define a DFS table p_table partitioned on values of the "flag" column. Construct a TableUpserter object with the "id" column as the key column. Then upsert test data to p_table using upsert. Finally, print the updated p_table.

import dolphindb as ddb
import dolphindb.settings as keys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import datetime

s = ddb.Session()
s.connect("localhost", 8848, "admin", "123456")
script_DFS_VALUE = """
    db = database("dfs://valuedb", VALUE, 0..9)
    t = table(1000:0, `date`text`id`flag, [DATETIME, STRING, LONG, INT])
    p_table = db.createPartitionedTable(t, `pt, `flag)
upserter = ddb.TableUpserter(dbPath="dfs://valuedb", tableName="pt", ddbSession=s, keyColNames=["id"])

for i in range(10):
    dates = [np.datetime64( for _ in range(100)]
    texts = [f"test_{i}_{_}" for _ in range(100)]
    ids = np.array([ _ % 10 for _ in range(100)], dtype="int32")
    flags = [ _ % 10 for _ in range(100)]
    df = pd.DataFrame({
        'date': dates,
        'text': texts,
        'id': ids,
        'flag': flags,

p_table ="select * from p_table")


                  date       text  id  flag
0  2023-03-16 10:09:33  test_9_90   0     0
1  2023-03-16 10:09:26  test_0_10   0     0
2  2023-03-16 10:09:26  test_0_20   0     0
3  2023-03-16 10:09:26  test_0_30   0     0
4  2023-03-16 10:09:26  test_0_40   0     0
..                 ...        ...  ..   ...
95 2023-03-16 10:09:26  test_0_59   9     9
96 2023-03-16 10:09:26  test_0_69   9     9
97 2023-03-16 10:09:26  test_0_79   9     9
98 2023-03-16 10:09:26  test_0_89   9     9
99 2023-03-16 10:09:26  test_0_99   9     9

[100 rows x 4 columns]


  • As shown in the result, if the key column ("flag") contains duplicate values, upsert only updates the first record with the same key.
  • In essence, the TableUpserter class encapsulates the DolphinDB server function upsert!, allowing a Pandas DataFrame to be passed as an argument and upserted into a DolphinDB table. For more information on the server function upsert!, see DolphinDB User Manual - upsert!.