

Changes Made to Match Industry Practices or SQL Standards

The behaviors of join, join!, and append! when merging two tuples have been reverted to match how they worked in releases earlier than


Changes Made to Match Industry Practices or SQL Standards

  • Removed function getClusterReplicationMetrics. Added function getSlaveReplicationQueueStatus as an inheritance of getClusterReplicationMetrics.

  • When calling function toStdJson:

    • For Boolean values, previous releases returned 1 and 0, but now returns true and false.
    • For NULL values, previous releases only converted Integral, Floating and Boolean NULL values to JSON null, other types were converted to "". Now NULL values of all types except STRING are converted to null.

System Impacts Caused by Bug Fixes

  • The license function now returns the license information in memory by default, instead of that from the .lic file as in previous releases.


Changes Made to Match Industry Practices or SQL Standards

  • Changed the behaviors of the join, join! and append! functions when merging two tuples.

    a =  [[1,2],[3,4]]
    b = [[5,6],[7,8]]
    //Output (previous releases): ([1,2],[3,4],([5,6],[7,8]))
    //Output (since this release): ([1,2],[3,4],[5,6],[7,8])
    //Output (previous releases):([1,2],[3,4],([5,6],[7,8]))
    //Output (since this release): ([1,2],[3,4],[5,6],[7,8])
    //Output (previous releases):([1,2],[3,4],([5,6],[7,8]))
    //Output (since this release): ([1,2],[3,4],[5,6],[7,8])

System Impacts Caused by Bug Fixes

  • When the triggeringPattern parameter of streamEngineParser is set to 'keyCount', the keepOrder parameter now must be set to true. Setting triggeringPattern = 'keyCount' with keepOrder = false raises an error.

  • When using the accumulate higher-order function in the metrics parameter of createReactiveStateEngine, the consistent parameter of accumulate can no longer be set to false.

Version 1.30.22

Changes Made to Match Industry Practices or SQL Standards

  • Sharing the same stream table multiple times using the share function/statement or enableTableShareAndPersistence function will now result in an error.

    t=streamTable(2020.01.01T00:00:00 + 0..(n-1) as timestamp, rand(`IBM`MS`APPL`AMZN,n) as symbol, rand(10.0, n) as value)
    share t as t1
    share t as t2 
    //In previous releases, the script above can be successfully executed.
    //Since this release, the second share operation would raise the error: This stream has already been shared as 't1'.
    //This change applies not only to the "share" statement, but also the share() and enableTableShareAndPersistence() functions.

    To re-share a stream table, it must first be unshared.

  • Validation for appending data to stream tables has been enhanced.

    Previously, it was possible to append data with an older schema (fewer columns) to a stream table after the schema had been modified to add new columns. This is no longer allowed.

    t = streamTable(1:0, `id`val, [INT, INT])
    enableTableShareAndPersistence(t, `st)
    data1 = table(1..10 as id, 11..20 as val)
    addColumn(st, `price, DOUBLE)
    data2 = table(1..10 as id, 11..20 as val, 21..30 as price)
    //Since this release, the script above will raise the error: The number of columns of the table to insert must be the same as that of the original table.
    //In previous releases, the script above can be successfully executed.
  • Added parameter validations for user-defined functions which can only take scalars or regular arrays. Dictionaries, function definitions or tuples are no longer allowed.

  • Modified the return value of function avg: If the input argument is of STRING type, a NULL value is now returned. An exception was raised in previous releases.

  • The behavior of SELECT * FROM a JOIN b statements has been changed to match ANSI SQL semantics:

    • If an ON condition is not specified, a cross join will be performed between a and b;

    • If an ON condition is specified, an inner join will be performed between a and b.

    Since this release, if "join" is used in a SQL from clause, it is treated as a table join keyword instead of function join.

    select * from a join b
    //In previous releases, the above statement is equivalent to "select * from join(a, b)"
    //Since this release, it is equivalent to "select * from cj(a, b)"
  • Join (including left join, left semi join, equi join and full join) behavior for NULL values has been updated to match ANSI SQL semantics.

    In previous releases, NULL values in join columns would be matched between the two joined tables. Since this release, NULL values will not be matched when joining.

  • When a temporal scalar is used after the in predicate in a SQL statement, elements of the condition column are no longer matched with the scalar. Instead, the scalar is treated as a one-element vector to check if the elements of the condition column are contained in that vector.

    vec = [2012.01.01T00:00:00, 2012.01.01T23:59:59, 2012.01.10T00:00:00, 2012.01.10T23:59:59, 2012.01.31T00:00:00, 2012.01.31T23:59:59, 2012.02.01T00:00:00, 2012.02.01T23:59:59, 2012.02.15T00:00:00, 2012.02.15T23:59:59, 2012.02.29T00:00:00, 2012.02.29T23:59:59]
    t = table(1..size(vec) as uid, vec as pcol)
    select * from t where pcol in 2012.01.01
    //In previous releases, the above statement is equivalent to "select * from t where pcol == 2012.01.01" that returns 1 record
    //Since this release, it is equivalent to "select * from t where pcol in [2012.01.01]" that returns 0 record

System Impacts Caused by Bug Fixes

  • To upgrade to this release, the dolphindb.dos file must be replaced. Otherwise the server cannot be started.

  • The validation for the schema parameter of loadTextEx has been made stricter.

    Since this release, the table specified by schema MUST NOT be empty, and the "name" and "type" columns must be of STRING type.

  • The take function no longer accepts passing in a pair for the X parameter.

    take(pair(1, 3), 10)
    //output (previous releases): [1,3,1,3,1,3,1,3,1,3]
    //An error will be raised since this release: Usage: take(X, n). X must be a scalar or a non-empty vector.
  • The handling of NULL values passed to the S parameter in mTopN functions and movingTopNIndex has changed.

    In previous releases, NULL values are treated as the smallest values. Since this release, NULL values passed in S are excluded from the sorting and do not impact the determination of the top N values.

    X = [2, 1, 5, 3, 4, 3, 1, 9, 0, 5, 2, 3]
    S = [5, 8, 1, 9, 7, 3, 1, NULL, 0, 8, 7, 7]
    msumTopN(X, S, window=6, top=3)
    //Output (previous releases): [2, 3, 8, 8, 11, 10, 9, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10]
    //Output (since this release): [2, 3, 8, 8, 11, 10, 9, 9, 4, 4, 4, 3]
  • The result of cast("", BOOL) can now be correctly returned as NULL. "false" was returned in previous releases.

  • Added parameter validation for function genericTStateIterate: The parameter T must be strictly increasing since this release.

  • Modified functions t3 and kama to be consistent with Python syntax: Continuous NULL values at the beginning are skipped, and the remaining NULL values are treated as 0 for calculation.

  • An exception will be thrown when updating a table from a table join where the left table is a dimension table, and the right one is a DFS table. In previous releases, the update operation did not take effect without any error message reported.

  • Function distinct cannot be nested with another aggregate function in a SQL query applied on a DFS table.

  • Possible parsing error will be reported when a SELECT or EXEC statement is passed to a function with at least two arguments, for the comma (,) may be parsed as CROSS JOIN. You need to add a pair of parentheses for the statement to separate it from the other parameters as appropriate.

    mr(sqlDS(<select * from pt>),x->select top 1 * from x,,unionAll{,false})
    // The script below can be parsed correctly.
    mr(sqlDS(<select * from pt>),(x->select top 1 * from x),,unionAll{,false})
    t1=table(rand(100, n) as id, rand(100, n) as val)
    t2=table(rand(100, n) as id, rand(100, n) as val)
    re3=select * from t1  where val in select val from t2, val gt select first(val) from t2 where id = 1
    // The script below can be parsed correctly.
    re3=select * from t1  where val in (select val from t2), val gt (select first(val) from t2 where id = 1)
  • Column aliases defined in the SELECT clause can no longer be referenced in the WHERE clause. This behavior matches ANSI SQL semantics.

    id = [1, 1, 2, 6, 8, 3, 2, 5, 3, 8]
    v1 = take(1..5, 10)
    t = table(id as `id, v1 as `v1)
    re1 = select id as i from t where i > 1
    // In the 1.30.21/2.00.9 release, the above SQL statement can be successfully executed.
    // Since this release, an error will be raised: Unrecognized column name i
  • Since a NULL value now cannot be matched to another NULL, when inserting records with function upsert!, a new record is returned if the key column of the original table and table to be inserted contain NULL values.

    t1 = table(n:n,`date`id`sym,[DATE,INT,STRING])
    t1[`date] = take((2020.05.01..2020.05.05),n)
    t1[`id] = take(int(),n)
    t1[`sym] = "A"+string(1..n)
    login("admin", "123456")
    dbPath = "dfs://upsert_test"
    db = database(dbPath, VALUE, 2020.05.01..2020.05.10)
    pt = db.createPartitionedTable(t1, `pt, `date).append!(t1)
    login("admin", "123456")
    pt = loadTable("dfs://upsert_test", "pt")
    newdata=table(take(2020.05.01..2020.05.05,5) as date,take(int(),5) as id,"B"+string(1..5) as sym)
    select * from pt
    // In previous releases, five records were returned.
    // Since this release, ten records are returned.
  • Added validation for upsert!: The number of newData columns must be consistent with that of the original table. In previous releases, table with fewer columns can be upserted.

  • An error will be reported when filtering data with a where condition in columns from a partitioned table.

    db=database("dfs://test_in", VALUE, 2015.01M..2016.01M)
    t=table(take(2015.01M..2016.01M,10000) as date, 1..10000 as id, rand(100,10000) as v)
    temp_t = db.loadTable(`pt)
    select distinct date from temp_t where date in temporalAdd(date, 2M) 
    //An error is reported: Can't use 'in' precidate with partitioned table columns in where condition, please use sub query to do that.
    //SQL statement using a subquery after "in" can be executed properly
    select distinct date from temp_t where date in select temporalAdd(date, 2M) from temp_t
  • The right table of wj/pwj cannot be a DFS table.


  • Removed methods httpCreateSubJob, httpCreateMultiParserSubJobhttpCancelSubJob and httpGetJobStat from the httpClient plugin.