
New Features

  • Added support for uploading and downloading scalars, vectors, and array vectors of DECIMAL32, DECIMAL64, DECIMAL128 types.

  • Added support for subscribing array vectors.

  • Added method getAPIVersion() for Utils class to get the version number of the current API.

  • Added support for writing data of BLOB type and array vectors with the PartitionedTableAppender method.

Issues Fixed

  • Fixed streaming subscription related issues:

    • Data loss when the subscriber received data over a connection initiated by the API.

    • The temporary connection was not closed on reconnection after an abnormal disconnection.

    • Streaming subscription was not available when running the C# API on the .NET Core framework.

    • An exception while executing the handler of subscribe caused the subscription thread to cease processing.

    • Occasional issues with stability, such as unexpected program exits and subscription cancellations getting stuck.

  • Fixed incorrect results when calling the getString function on data of types IPADDR, NANOTIMESTAMP, BOOL, UUID, and MONTH.

  • Fixed an issue where the expected exception was not thrown when the query returned data with unsupported API data types while high-availability connections were enabled.

  • Fixed connection issues when uploading an empty SYMBOL.