
With DolphinDB TCPSocket plugin, users can establish TCP connections to specified IP addresses and ports, enabling data reception and transmission by custom-formatted messages.

Installation (with installPlugin)

Required server version: DolphinDB 2.00.10 or higher.

Supported OS: Linux x64, Linux ARM and Linux JIT.

Installation Steps:

(1) Use listRemotePlugins to check plugin information in the plugin repository.

Note: For plugins not included in the provided list, you can install through precompiled binaries or compile from source. These files can be accessed from our GitHub repository by switching to the appropriate version branch.

login("admin", "123456")
listRemotePlugins(, "")

(2) Invoke installPlugin for plugin installation.


(3) Use loadPlugin to load the plugin before using the plugin methods.


Method References



createSubJob(ip, port, handler, [config])

Details The method creates a TCP connection to a specified IP and port, and a background task to receive TCP data. It returns a STRING scalar as the task identifier.

Note: Jobs created by createSubJob do not automatically terminate when the session closes. They must be manually ended using cancelSubJob.


  • ip: A STRING scalar indicating the IP address of the server.

  • port: An INT scalar indicating the port of the server.

  • handler: A unary function object used to parse data received from the TCP connection. The handler function should have the following signature:

    •   def hdndler(data){
      The input data is a table with the following columns:
      - bytes: A BLOB column containing the received TCP data. The maximum length is 10240 bytes.
      - isHead: A BOOL column indicating whether the TCP data in this row is continuous with the previous row. The first row's *isHead* is set to true.
  • config (optional): A dictionary with STRING keys and ANY values for configuring specific parameters. The currently supported key is:

    • maxRows: An INT scalar indicating the maximum number of rows. The default is 128 and the minimum value is 1.





The function retrieves information on all TCP background tasks, including those canceled via cancelSubJob.

The function returns a table with the following columns:

  • tag: STRING type, indicating the TCP task identifier.
  • startTime: NANOTIMESTAMP type, indicating the task creation time.
  • endTime: NANOTIMESTAMP type, indicating the end time of the task.
  • firstMsgTime: NANOTIMESTAMP type, indicating the receive time of the first data message.
  • lastMsgTime: NANOTIMESTAMP type, indicating the receive time of the last message.
  • processedMsgCount: LONG type, indicating the number of successfully processed message rows.
  • failedMsgCount: LONG type, indicating the number of failed message rows.
  • lastErrMsg: STRING type, indicating the error message from the last processing failure (TCP connection failures, disconnections, data read errors, etc.).
  • lastFailedTimestamp: NANOTIMESTAMP type, indicating the time of the last processing failure (TCP connection failures, disconnections, data read errors, etc.).





The function cancels a TCP background task.


  • tag: A STRING scalar indicating the TCP task identifier. This identifier can be obtained by getSubJobStat() or returned by createSubJob.



connect(ip, port)


The function creates a blocking TCP connection and returns a TCP socket resource that can be used in read and close methods.

Note: Upon the closure of the current session, the plugin automatically invokes close to terminate the connection.


  • ip: A STRING scalar indicating the IP address of the server.
  • port: An INT scalar indicating the port number of the server.



read(socket, [size])


The method reads data from the TCP Socket and returns a BLOB scalar.


  • socket: The socket connection created by connect.
  • size (optional): An INT scalar indicating the maximum number of bytes to read. The default is 10,240 bytes and must be greater than 0.



write(socket, data)


The method writes data to a TCP Socket and returns true if the write operation is successful; otherwise, an exception is thrown.


  • socket: The socket connection created by connect.
  • data: A BLOB or STRING scalar indicating the data to be written to the socket.





The method closes a TCP socket connection and returns true.


  • socket: The socket connection created by connect.


def handler(mutable table1, data){
share table(1:0, `bytes`isHead, [BLOB, BOOL]) as t
config = dict(STRING, ANY)
config[`maxRows] = 8192
TCPSocket::createSubJob("", 20002, handler{t}, config)


IO_ERROR Codes and Causes

If the following exceptions are thrown after executing a plugin method, or if messages are displayed in the log: ": failed to XXX with IO error type $", refer to the table below to identify the specific cause.

1Socket is disconnected/closed or file is closed.
3Out of memory, no disk space, or no buffer.
7Reach the end of a file or a buffer.
8File is readable but not writable.
9File is writable but not readable.
10A file doesn't exist or the socket destination is not reachable.
13Unknown IO error.