



shared is Boolean variable.
  • false (default): return info on all variables in the current session

  • true: return info on all variables in the current session and variables shared by other sessions


Obtain the information on the variables in memory. Return a table with the following columns:

  • name: variable name

  • type: data type

  • form: data form

  • rows:

    • If the data form is vector/dictionary/set, return the number of all elements (including NULL values);

    • If the data form is matrix/table, return the number of rows.

  • columns:

    • If the data form is vector/dictionary/set, return 1;

    • If the data form is matrix/table, return the number of columns.

  • bytes: the memory (in bytes) used by the variable

  • shared: whether it is a shared variable

  • extra: the logical path to the DFS table, in the format of "dfs://dbName/tableName"

Please note that the function does not return the function definitions. You can use defs to check function definitions, or memSize for the memory usage.


//create a DFS database
ticker = rand(`MSFT`GOOG`FB`ORCL`IBM,n);
x=rand(1.0, n)
t=table(ticker, x)
db=database(directory="dfs://listdb", partitionType=HASH, partitionScheme=[STRING, 5])
pt=db.createPartitionedTable(t, `pt, `ticker)

// shared in-memory table
time = take(2021.08.20 00:00:00..2021.08.30 00:00:00, 40);
id = 0..39;
value = rand(100, 40);
tmp = table(time, id, value);
share tmp as st

// create set
s = set([1,2,3,4,5])

// create dict
x=1 2 3
y=4.5 7.8 4.3

// create matrix
m = matrix(1 2 3, 4 5 6)

// create pair
p = 1:2
name type form rows columns bytes shared extra
n INT SCALAR 1 1 16 false
ticker SYMBOL VECTOR 1,000,000 1 4,000,000 false
x INT VECTOR 3 1 12 false
t BASIC TABLE 1,000,000 2 12,000,312 false
db HANDLE SCALAR 1 1 24 false
pt ALIAS TABLE 0 2 12,000,000 false dfs://listdb/pt
time DATETIME VECTOR 40 1 160 false
id INT VECTOR 40 1 160 false
value INT VECTOR 40 1 160 false
tmp BASIC TABLE 40 3 832 false
s INT SET 5 1 28 false
y DOUBLE VECTOR 3 1 24 false
z DOUBLE DICTIONARY 3 1 199 false
m INT MATRIX 3 2 24 false
p INT PAIR 2 1 8 false
st BASIC TABLE 40 3 832 true