

interpolate(X, [method='linear'], [limit], [inplace=false], [limitDirection='forward'], [limitArea])


X is a numeric vector.

method is a string indicating how to fill the NULL values. It can take the following values and the default value is 'linear'.
  • linear: for NULLs surrounded by valid values, fill the NULLs linearly. For NULLs outside valid values, fill the NULLs with the closest valid values.

  • pad: fill NULL values with existing values.

  • nearest: fill NULL values with the closest valid values.

  • krogh: fill NULL values with krogh polynomials.

limit is a positive integer indicating the maximum number of consecutive NULL values to fill.

inplace is a Boolean value indicating whether to update the input vector array. The default value is false, which means a new vector will be returned.

limitDirection is a string indicating the direction to fill NULL values. It can take the following values: 'forward', 'backward' and 'both'. The default value is 'forward'.

limitArea is a string indicating restrictions regarding filling NULL values. It can take the following values and the default value is empty string "".

  • empty string: no restrictions.

  • inside: only fill NULLs surrounded by valid values.

  • outside: only fill NULLs outside valid values.


Fill the NULL values in a vector.



// output

interpolate(X=a, method="pad");
// output

interpolate(X=a, limitDirection='both');
// output

interpolate(X=a, limit=1, limitDirection='both');
// output

interpolate(X=a, limitDirection='both', limitArea='outside');
// output

// output

interpolate(X=a, limitDirection='backward', inplace=true);
// output

// output