

addNode(host, port, alias, [saveConfig=true],[nodeType='datanode'])


host is a STRING scalar or vector indicating the IP address of the node(s).

port is a positive integral scalar or vector indicating the port number of the node(s).

alias is a STRING scalar or vector indicating the node alias(es).

saveConfig (optional) is a Boolean value indicating whether to save the information of the node in the configuration file cluster.nodes when adding the node. The default value is true.

nodeType (optional) is a STRING scalar or vector indicating the node type(s), which can be 'datanode' or 'computenode'.

Note that the length of host, port, alias, nodeType must be consistent.


Add node(s) to a cluster. It can only be executed by administrator. The added nodes are not started. You can start the nodes in the cluster management web interface or in the command line.

Note that you need to deploy an agent before adding a node on a new machine.

