
The Job tab in the web interface allows viewing, terminating, and deleting jobs as the Job Manager in GUI, but it does not support job filtering or batch termination.

The Job tab divides jobs by status into three sections: running jobs, submitted jobs, and scheduled jobs. Each section contains the user ID, job ID, details, and other information, as shown below.

  • Running jobs: Contains information about ongoing jobs, such as their progress, priority, and total task number. Click ➕ on the left to display the details of each task; click ➖ to collapse the details; click Stop to cancel the job.

  • Submitted jobs: Contains information about submitted jobs (including ongoing and finished jobs), such as their status, start time, end time, and error message. Click Stop to cancel the running job.

  • Scheduled jobs: Contains information about jobs set to be performed at a specific time, such as their start date, end date, and execution frequency. Click Delete to cancel the job.